Patagonia R1 Hoody
If you are someone who is into any activities having to do with the outdoors, whether that be climbing, biking, hiking, and more, you know that Patagonia is one of the greatest brands to provide you with all the necessary equipment. Yes, some of its products are more expensive than similar products that you could find from other brands, but many people can attest to the fact that the quality of its pieces is unbeatable, especially its fleeces. Finding a fleece, whether it be a hoodie or a pullover, that will provide you with all the warmth and comfort that you need while performing outdoor activities is essential.
The Patagonia R1 Hoody is a great option for you if you are looking for something that is lightweight and warm all at the same time. This hoodie lasts forever, so you will not have to worry about replacing it any time soon. The fabric that the hoodie was created out of is very breathable, so you won’t have to worry about sweating too much and having your hoodie become uncomfortable.
People were especially appreciative of the design of the hood, which zips up to cover a part of your face (your chin and mouth, as well as your forehead on top). This will help your face to stay especially warm in cold weather, which, as many people know, could cause them to completely abandon outdoor activities at all in colder weather. And, the sleeves have built-in gloves for your hands that wrap around your thumb. These gloves will work to keep your hands warm, but they also won’t make it difficult for you to use your hands for various different things as necessary.
So, let’s look at some of the different features that make this hoodie something worth considering.
- People have said that the fleece fits them well and is true to size
- The fleece is very lightweight, meaning that you will feel even more comfortable wearing it
- People like the design of the hood and how it is meant to keep parts of your face warm
- There are built-in gloves with a thumb hole, which keep your hands warm without getting in the way of your ability to use your hands
The Patagonia hoody, according to some people, is not the most stylish fleece available
It is not the warmest fleece on the market in comparison to others
This hoodie is made by the brand Patagonia, which is one of the top brands when it comes to outdoor equipment. It mainly creates outdoor clothing for men, women, and children, and it also makes equipment and gear such as backpacks, laptop bags, water bottles, and more. So, when it comes to what to wear or some of the essentials that you should take with you when doing outdoor activities, you can be assured that Patagonia will have what you need. The only thing is that many of Patagonia’s products are rather expensive in comparison to similar ones offered on the market, but that is because Patagonia is regarded as being prestigious in the realm of outdoor brands. It is particularly well known for its fleeces and other clothing tailored towards cold weather activities.
The fleece is also made with another material called Polygiene. This essentially helps the product to fight any odors that might come from your body, such as ones caused by sweat. It is also supposed to get rid of bacteria and any odors that tend to come naturally with products that are made of synthetic materials.
You can choose whether to purchase a half zip version of the jacket or the full zip version. There is no real difference between either other than what your personal preference is. However, if you do any activities that require you to wear a harness or backpack, you might find that the half zip is less of a nuisance because it won’t bunch up as often. However, if you want something that you can unzip when you get too warm, then the full zip is a great option.
There are also loops for your thumbs, which means that you will be able to keep your hands warm, too. But this loop only goes up to your palms, meaning that your fingers will remain free to do anything you need. If you will be wearing gloves, you can still hook this loop around your thumb to ensure that there is no space between your gloves and your jacket. All of these features combined make this a comfortable fleece.
The hoodie is also extremely lightweight, as we have mentioned; it only weighs 12.9 ounces. It may not have the features that other hoodies on the market do, but this also aids in the overall comfort of the product because you won’t feel like you have something extremely heavy on your body. Not only that, but if you will be taking the hoodie with you in your backpack, or if you get hot outside and wish to take it off, you won’t be adding an extra heavy weight to your bag.
The hoodie is made with a product that is meant to fight bacteria that could arise due to sweat. And, it works to mask odors caused by sweating. So, you will find that you won’t have to do too much extensive cleaning with this product.
This jacket is not available in too many colors, either. For men, the jacket is available in light blue, black, and a bright yellow-green color that has gray accents. The women’s version of the jacket is also available in several colors, including light blue, yellow, coral-pink, and black. Again, this jacket might not have the best color range, but it does come in a variety of colors that are sure to suit your style.
Weather Resistance
Key Features
The fleece has thumb holes, which add extra warmth for you
The hoodie has a material called Polygiene to help fight odors and bacteria
It is perfect to wear in the mountains and as part of several layers of clothing