TheGearHunt Content
Our content, whether it be product reviews or blog articles, is written by experienced outdoors men and women. What this means is our articles are backed by real world experience, deep research, and all wrapped up with a true passion for just about everything to do with the outdoors.
The Gear Hunt Editors
Brian Price
An avid outdoorsman, I try to find any excuse I can to disappear into the forest, travel, or go for a long trail run. The gear, the experiences, the quiet time in nature is the best way to recharge and relax. Even if I’m roughing it in the cold. The fact that I get to cover my favorite topics online is an awesome bonus.
The Gear Hunt Writers
Patrick Zawadzki
An avid outdoorsman in Wisconsin and hunter. Enjoys shooting his bow frequently at local club events, bird hunting when possible, fly fishing around the state, and hunting across the USA. The outdoors have become a way to reset my mind from the busyness of life and explore many different parts of the world.
Richard Haberkost
I have a history in the military and multiple outdoor activities over the years in many diverse environments. The Scottish, Welsh mountains, The Swiss and French Alpes, China, Thailand, Cambodia, the Malaysian highlands and various types of jungles, tough desert environments and many more. I have found that the key to success in all outdoor activities is choosing the best gear suited to the challenge. I am happy to use my accumulated knowledge to help others choose the best gear for their outdoor activities.