Best Bone & Butcher Saws Reviewed for Durability

In a Hurry? Editors choice:
  Bahco 396-LAP
Test Winner: Bahco 396-LAP
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When it comes to hunting there's precious little middle ground, there are hunters and everyone else. And hunters tend to be over the moon about the sport. But even the most dedicated hunter knows there are parts that try the patience, the waiting, the weather, and then there's the inevitable post-hunt clean. After you bag your prey you have to prep and dress it and this can be a dirty business. One of the least pleasant parts is getting through the bones of an animal. Bones are tough by design, so you’re going to need more than your average cutting implement to tackle them. So we offer you our top ten bone saws to make things just a bit more manageable.

Standout Picks

Bahco 396-LAP
A first look at this and you’ll see it probably has the most unique design of any of the bone saws on this list. The toothing is unique, as is the overall arch of the blade during use. It’s also got some nice safety features to protect you while in use.
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Weston Butcher
This is another huge bone saw with an even farther reach of almost two feet. It’s got a very sturdy frame of stainless steel and a high impact handle to take on any amount of force and leverage you can throw against it. It’s an impressive butcher style saw meant for any big game you could find.
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When you think bone saw, this one is probably what you imagine, right? It resembles the classic look and is visibly capable of a lot more than many of the saws on this list. If you’ve got a big game to dress, then this is probably the saw you’re going to want to go with.
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Mossy Oak
This one is another teeny bone saw that’s best used for anyone who thinks they’re going to be taking it out into the wilds with them. It’s small, compact, and easily transportable thanks to a belt loop carrying case. It’s got another T-grip as well and blunted tip for leverage and safety.
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Gerber E-Z
This is another best bone saw with a T-grip handle but it’s also one of the smallest on this list with an overall height of just half of what many of the others is. It does feature some nice safety features and accident resistant parts as well.
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EverSaw 8.0
We’re back to smaller sized knives for portable use and use on a variety of materials, as the name of this one suggests. It works on smaller game bones as well as wood and PVC. It’s recommended best for hunters and campers to have in their toolbox at all times thanks to its versatility.
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LEM Products 640 16
Constructed to be extremely durable, easy and even weightless the LEM Products 640 16" is one of the best in the market. Known for their quality LEM did not disappoint with this one. This best bone saw comes prepared to cut through your meat and bones like butter. It's one of those items that make sense to have, yet when you get your hands on it you fall in love with how easy it is to work with.
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Now if you are an active hunter then you know sometimes you can’t carry large items with you, whether that is due to be short on space, or not having the proper packing sometimes having a large one is not convenient. And that is okay because SOG has created a model that gets the job done without missing a beat. Don’t look at the size with this one, consider all the power you are getting.
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Havalon Baracuta
This is another small unit but its functions get a little bit more military-grade thanks to the Zytel plastic handle, which is also in a nice and vibrant orange for easy spotting while in use or shoved into a hunting bag. At full open, it’s pretty impressive and is made from trusted steal.
Gerber Vital
This is the best bone saw that’s designed for anyone who’s safety consciousness, both at home and in the field. It comes with some built-in safety elements to protect both you and the parts of the animal you don’t want to accidentally knick while cutting. It’s got a nice grip and a noticeable look to it.
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Criteria Used for Evaluation


When you need the best bone saw for completing your hunt, there are different types on the market for you to choose from. Folding saws are a quick fix and easily fold up to pack with the rest of your gear. They lock when you are storing them so no danger of accidents when you’re traveling to your destination or when you are not ready to use them.

Fixed blade bone saws tend to be bigger and will take up more room in your kit bag, however on the upside they are more sturdy and can last a lot longer than a folding saw. The smallest available is a pocket chainsaw, by their very definition they are neat, compact and easy to store in a pocket. They are, however not as precise when sawing so can make the job more trying, and they are not quite as long-lasting as the previous two mentioned.


Of course, you know why you take the best bone saw on the hunt with you, but there are practical reasons why it makes sense to take a decent one with you on your trip. Without a cutting tool, you will struggle to cut up the game and this can make the journey away much much more tedious and cumbersome. If you have a decent tool with you, you can break down the game easily and quickly, and only take with you what you want.

This is more practical because it means you can leave the extras for nature to deal with. And additionally, a good saw is very useful for cutting wood too, this can make clearing a lot faster and easier - giving you more time on your hunt. And the bonus of being able to saw firewood for an overnight camp can be a real benefit when you want a bit longer on your hunting trip.


The durability of your best bone saw will not only depend on the materials it is made from but also the way you care for it. If you just leave it lying around without any maintaining, you can bet you will be looking for a new one within a year if not before.

After each uѕе, lubrісаtе уоur blаdе wіth gun оіl, paste wаx before storing. Gun oil оr WD-40 саn be wіреd оn wіth a rаg. Paste wаx should be wіреd off after ѕіttіng on thе blade fоr a fеw mіnutеѕ. All of these сhоісеѕ available, рrеvеnt rust аnd hеlр thе ѕаw blаdе ѕlіdе through the wооd.

If уоu hаvе a wооdеn handle, wipe оn a little-boiled linseed оіl реrіоdісаllу tо ѕеаl it оff frоm moisture and dіrt. If уоur handle shows ruѕt whеrе it аttасhеѕ to the blаdе, tаkе thе hаndlе apart аnd сlеаn оut the ѕlоt. Uѕе mеdіum grаdе ѕtееl wооl оr fine ѕаnd рареr tо ѕmооth a rоugh finish оn thе handle аnd remove ѕtаіnѕ (thеn fіnіѕh wіth oil).

A wеll-mаіntаіnеd blade mау never ruѕt, but іf іt dоеѕ, a razor blаdе can help. Rеmоvе the hаndlе and lay thе blаdе оn a flаt wоrk ѕurfасе. Scrape thе ѕаw blаdе carefully with a razor blаdе, gоіng up аnd dоwn the lеngth of thе blаdе аnd keeping the rаzоr аt a low аnglе. Scrub any stubborn spots with mеdіum steel wооl оr 320-grit sandpaper, еѕресіаllу thе handle аrеа. Wipe wіth a soft drу сlоth, and thеn оіl оr wаx the blade іmmеdіаtеlу.

Best Butcher and Bone Saws

1. Bahco 396-LAP

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Bahco 396-LAP
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A first look at this and you’ll see it probably has the most unique design of any of the bone saws on this list. The toothing is unique, as is the overall arch of the blade during use. It’s also got some nice safety features to protect you while in use.

Rust Protection
The blade on this bone saw is specially coated with rust protection to prevent any corrosion on the blade or unwanted rust build-up that could ruin the integrity of the saw.

The grip on this is ergonomic and features a two-part handle for the best grip possible. The curve of the grip is somewhat unique to look at but intuitive to use.

Cost and Value
This is another bone saw that’s in the mid-price value but you get a unique design and some special features for that price. It’s small, so keep that in mind if you want to buy one. Compare the price to others of this size and decide what’s best for you.

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2. Weston Butcher

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Weston Butcher
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This is another huge bone saw with an even farther reach of almost two feet. It’s got a very sturdy frame of stainless steel and a high impact handle to take on any amount of force and leverage you can throw against it. It’s an impressive butcher style saw meant for any big game you could find.

The blade length on this one reaches 22 inches in total which makes it the longest on this list. This also means you have 22 inches to work with while sawing through tough and dense bone. This also means a lot of force behind the push and pull of the blade for maximum leverage.

Sturdy Materials
It’s not just about the bone saw being durable, though this one clearly is with a stainless steel blade. But this also has some great quality to the handle which is high impact resistant to make sure there’s no breaking or cracking. Because a broken handle can be just as detrimental to use as a broken blade.

Cost and Value
his is another blade that’s on the more expensive end of the spectrum but you get a lot for that if you look at the blade length and the material quality. The value here is pretty consistent with the price in a good way.

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3. Satterlee

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When you think bone saw, this one is probably what you imagine, right? It resembles the classic look and is visibly capable of a lot more than many of the saws on this list. If you’ve got a big game to dress, then this is probably the saw you’re going to want to go with.

This bone saw is over a foot long which makes it among the longest on this list. It’s got over a foot of serrated teeth to work into the bone or other material and cut through it at a reasonable time.

Ring Handle
Unlike most of the bone saws on this list, this one comes with a ring handle. This is similar to the T-grip but with a little more security behind it. It creates nice momentum and leverage and allows for many strokes per minute as you’re sawing through a bone.

Cost and Value
For the amount of bone saw you get with this, it’s a very good price. You don’t get any extras with it like storage options or anything like that, but you do get a large and wide bone saw for maximum cutting capabilities.

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4. Mossy Oak

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Mossy Oak
Amazon Link

This one is another teeny bone saw that’s best used for anyone who thinks they’re going to be taking it out into the wilds with them. It’s small, compact, and easily transportable thanks to a belt loop carrying case. It’s got another T-grip as well and blunted tip for leverage and safety.

Mini Saw
As the name suggests, this is a small saw for use with smaller game and as a complement to any bigger bone saws, you may have to work on the bigger game. This isn’t a fault though, as it’s designed to be portable and light for quick and easy use on demand.

Multiple Uses
The saw is also certified with use for more than just bone if you need something that can help you out in a pinch. It can be used on some reasonably sized tree branches and is best recommended for the pelvic bone of small animals, as well as some other materials.

Cost and Value
This bone saw has a low price for pretty equal value. It’s small and comes with its own storage, which is nice for the price. You also get the comfort of a brand name with a good reputation for a low price as well.

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5. Gerber E-Z

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Gerber E-Z
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This is another best bone saw with a T-grip handle but it’s also one of the smallest on this list with an overall height of just half of what many of the others is. It does feature some nice safety features and accident resistant parts as well.

So while it’s not the only saw on this list with a T-grip, it does have one of the most user-friendly styles of T-grip on here. It utilizes not only the perpendicular shape of the T-grip but has grip features for fingers to make it as usable as possible.

Small Size
This is a bone saw that’s very small in length and likely best used as a secondary instrument or one for someone who wants something compact and mobile with use for the smaller game as it likely won’t get through too many tough bones of larger animals.

Cost and Value
This is a little bit of a more expensive piece and comparatively, you don’t get as much as you do with some others that are similarly priced or lower. That being said, it’s good as a secondary device for small parts of the animal.

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6. EverSaw 8.0

Where to buy
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EverSaw 8.0
Amazon Link

We’re back to smaller sized knives for portable use and use on a variety of materials, as the name of this one suggests. It works on smaller game bones as well as wood and PVC. It’s recommended best for hunters and campers to have in their toolbox at all times thanks to its versatility.

Rugged Blade
This features a triple razor 3-D cut on the blade making it incredibly rugged across it’s almost a foot of use. The teeth are fine and sturdy to get through most materials in a quick and easy way.

This design is an import from Japan that works to reduce friction to keep the blade from getting stuck while in use. It works best on the pullback and is designed to cut deep without jumping or getting stuck on tough or dense portions.

Cost and Value
This is around a mid-price blade compared to many of the others on this list. The value matches that since it doesn’t have too many bells and whistles but does feature some unique and impressive design functions.

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7. LEM Products 640 16"

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LEM Products 640 16
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Constructed to be extremely durable, easy and even weightless the LEM Products 640 16" is one of the best in the market. Known for their quality LEM did not disappoint with this one. This best bone saw comes prepared to cut through your meat and bones like butter. It's one of those items that make sense to have, yet when you get your hands on it you fall in love with how easy it is to work with.

Custom Feature
Though you might think all meat & bone saws are created the same this is not true. Featuring a tightening cam and large blade lever allows you to customize the blade tension and even switch it out if you decide to do so. Its one of those features you might think you won't need but its oh so useful to have. By having this feature the brand allows you to customize just how much tension your blade truly needs and if you need to switch them out. This is particularly useful when you have a dull blade that needs an upgrade.

Durable Frame
One of the most important features is its frame. Having a high-quality frame allows you to feel secure every time you are using your best bone saw. Constructed out of a heavy-duty nickel-plated frame, this saw will not break, crack or rust even when you are working with the thickest meat or bone combination. Its nickel frame is sturdy enough to be felt the moment you pick it up. You will feel the difference the moment you pick this bone saw up and have it in your hands. The handle is also exceptional as it's smooth and durable without missing a beat.

Cost and Value
Not only are you getting a quality product with a sharp, sturdy blade but the price is just as exceptional. Likewise, you are getting a durable saw that can last you quite a while for a bargain price. You can almost call it a steal. LEM created an excellent product worth every penny, a win-win for all.

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Now if you are an active hunter then you know sometimes you can’t carry large items with you, whether that is due to be short on space, or not having the proper packing sometimes having a large one is not convenient. And that is okay because SOG has created a model that gets the job done without missing a beat. Don’t look at the size with this one, consider all the power you are getting.

Remarkable Design
Originated with hunters, campers, and outdoorsmen in mind, this was created to be the best in the market. The folding mechanism not only allows you to take this best bone saw with you anywhere with ease, but it also helps to saw specific items easier. Featuring two 8.25-inch blades constructed of hardened and steel blades, this design comes prepared to help you cut anything that might come in your path.

Two Blades
As stated above you are getting two blades: a wood saw that comes with deep gullets and teeth configurations that cut in both push and pull motion strokes. Whichever way you are sawing you will be able to cut the object like butter. Additionally, you are getting one that offers sharp, teeth that work in conjunction together to cut through thick bone matter. You are getting both so you can always be prepared for what's to come.

Cost and Value
While you might think due to getting two blades that this foldable saw might be on the expensive side, but that is not the case. Though you are getting a quality product you will not be paying the premium price. The SOG F11BN-CP is quite cost-effective. A true quality item for an excellent price point.

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9. Havalon Baracuta

Where to buy
Havalon Baracuta
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This is another small unit but its functions get a little bit more military-grade thanks to the Zytel plastic handle, which is also in a nice and vibrant orange for easy spotting while in use or shoved into a hunting bag. At full open, it’s pretty impressive and is made from trusted steal.

Full Open Length
When the bone saw is in use at its fully open capability, it sits at 10 3/8ths inches long, nearly a foot of leverage to have while sawing through the game. This gives you a lot to work with, especially for the larger game.

Military Grade Materials
The plastic of the handle is Zylet military-grade plastic so it is resistant to damage from impact or wear from use. The steel in the blade is Havalon’s proprietary blend that combines durability with unmatched sharpness for the most effective blade you could ask for.

Cost and Value
This knife is a bit more expensive but you’re getting a nice brand name out of it and some very sturdy construction. Consider a purchase on this an investment since the value on it is pretty impressive.

10. Gerber Vital

Where to buy
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Gerber Vital
Amazon Link

This is the best bone saw that’s designed for anyone who’s safety consciousness, both at home and in the field. It comes with some built-in safety elements to protect both you and the parts of the animal you don’t want to accidentally knick while cutting. It’s got a nice grip and a noticeable look to it.

Blaze Orange
This is the type of knife you’ll want if you’re doing any field dressing in your game. The handle of this knife is a vibrant and noticeable hunter orange to help spot you in the field while other hunters are around. This also gives it the added bonus of being difficult to misplace.

Blunted Tip
At the end of the ergonomic blade is a blunted tip to help keep the knife from puncturing any area you want to be protected. Sawing can be tough and even get away from you at times so to combat this, the tip is tilted down and blunted off to prevent any unwanted puncturing.

Cost and Value
This is a well-priced item for all that you get with it. It’s got a nice amount of safety features and comes with some nice added bonuses in the form of a sheath for storage. Ultimately, it’s a nice beginner blade for anyone looking to dress smaller game.

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  1. Science Direct, Bone Cutter, Website
  2. Frets, Bone Saw, Website