Best Electrolyte Tablets Reviewed & Rated for Quality

In a Hurry? Editors choice:
Test Winner: Nuun
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The average person knows hydration is a huge portion of keeping your body functioning properly before, during and after your physical activities. There are some people out there that are not aware that staying hydrated is more than just replacing water or fluids that your body has released during your workout or run. Another key element to staying hydrated is electrolytes, electrolytes are a combination of minerals found in the body, that keep your body running smoothly. Here you will find a list of the ten best electrolyte tablets with reviews for each to help you decide which one might work best for you.

Standout Picks

1. Nuun Electrolyte Tablets
For restoring balance to your system, this brand of electrolyte tablets is one of the most popular choices on the market today. This option is packed with the essential electrolyte combination but cuts down on the sugar that other brands tend to use in their electrolyte tablets. Giving your system the balance it deserves to run at the top of its game.
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2. Saltstick Electrolyte Tablets
This electrolyte tablet has been known to help reduce the stress caused by the overwhelming heat. Packed with the proper amount of minerals, to aid your body's defense against dehydration. This brand prides itself on being more natural than some of the other electrolyte tablet options on the market today.
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 GU Energy
For those that suffer from gastrointestinal issues sometimes caused by electrolyte tablets, this brand might be effective to you. This is due to the specific ingredients used in the formula to combat the gastrointestinal issues some people will suffer from.
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 Rapid Rehydr8
These electrolyte tablets place more focus on those dreaded leg cramps than some of the others on the market have before. This is great news for those hardcore runners out there, finally, someone has you in mind. With these easy to swallow and digest tablets, you can run until your heart's content.
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 Medique Medi-Lyte
The relief you have been looking for after a day of running in the heat, come to you in the form of a swallowable electrolyte tablet. Helping to combat that tired and body ache feel you sometimes get after being out in the heat, this electrolyte tablet promotes electrolyte replacement without adding sugar or sodium to your system.
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This brand of electrolyte tablets will have us taking a look at the effervescent style, which conveniently dissolves into your water, for a quick on the go style hydration. Since this brand comes in a handy tube, you can throw these into your pocket or bag, to keep them accessible all the time.
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These electrolyte tablets are not only formulated with the proper mineral combination, but they have also added a combination of vitamins to aid in your overall health and fatigue recovery. This brand option really promotes for helping aid in your health and well being.
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 Hi Lyte
With the makeup of minerals in this electrolyte tablet, your sure to see some differences in your energy and hydration levels. Made to improve performance and aid in muscle recovery, this electrolyte tablet can be a beneficial part of your everyday workouts.
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This electrolyte tablet option provides assistance with muscle recovery as well as the benefits of rehydration from the restored balance of your electrolytes. Taken prior to activity, these electrolyte tablets combined with an adequate amount of water can help fight the feeling of fatigue within your muscles.
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 Trace Minerals
This brand has made improvements to its formula in order to better suit your hydration needs. They have added supplements for quicker absorption results, which yields quicker results to those who take this electrolyte tablet.
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Criteria Used for Evaluation


When looking into an electrolyte tablet be sure you are taking one that is effective for your needs. When you decide on which one you want to try, you should notice an immediate change in your energy level upon taking the electrolyte tablet. You will also notice less fatigue within your muscles, which will essentially combat the cramps that tired muscles tend to suffer from. Overall you should notice an increase in your stamina, less muscle cramping, and you should experience less recovery time. One fact to keep in mind, the harder you work, the more electrolyte tablets you may need to take in order to stay hydrated.


Okay, not materials...but ingredients. One of the most common mistakes people make when taking an electrolyte tablet is not checking the ingredient list to see what is used to make them. Some brands will simply have the minerals needed to promote proper hydration, while others add vitamins to the mix, which can be beneficial as well. The ones you may want to look out for are those brands that tend to use artificial ingredients, that aid in color and preservation. These ingredients tend to interfere with the intended process of the electrolyte tablets. For those who workout for longer periods of time, especially those who give it their all, you may want to look for an electrolyte tablet with calcium, potassium, sodium, and magnesium. This will ensure that you are truly replenishing the electrolytes more commonly lost through sweat.

Ease of Use

As you briefly read earlier in this review, each individual will sweat at their own rate, shedding their electrolytes as they sweat. This, in turn, means that they will also need to replace those electrolytes at different rates as well. Your body will show you signs to let you know if you are taking too many or not enough electrolyte tablets. If you are experiencing more frequent muscle cramps, or seem to tire faster than normal, you may not be efficiently replacing your electrolytes. To help prevent this you could take a larger dose of the tablets, making sure not to exceed the recommended amount of tablets per day found in the dosage directions. Another option would be to change the brand of electrolyte tablet you are taking, you may need a tablet that offers vitamins and minerals to suit your body’s needs.

Product Purity

After going over the information in the reviews you should have a better understanding of the electrolyte tablets we consider to be the best on the market. It is recommended that you follow the directions for use that come with each of these electrolyte tablets. Over consumption can lead to an entirely different set of issues that I’m sure you won’t want to deal with. One key piece of advice that has been given for replacing electrolytes in your body, take the electrolytes in moderation, this will allow your body to absorb them properly. Following that advice can help restore balance to your system, keeping your body running smoothly and efficiently.

Safety Hazards

In the event you are overloading your system with electrolytes, you may notice frequent bouts of diarrhea or frequent upset stomach. In that case, you definitely will want to cut back on the number of electrolyte tablets you are consuming. Another option, you can look for a brand with lower doses of minerals, that should reduce the difficulties you are having. Your body will tell you whether or not you are correctly replenishing your electrolytes, all you have to do is be willing to listen.

10 Best Electrolyte Tablets

1. Nuun

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1. Nuun Electrolyte Tablets
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For restoring balance to your system, this brand of electrolyte tablets is one of the most popular choices on the market today. This option is packed with the essential electrolyte combination but cuts down on the sugar that other brands tend to use in their electrolyte tablets. Giving your system the balance it deserves to run at the top of its game.

To make sure that your body absorbs the electrolytes it needs, this brand adds an extra element, known as dextrose to speed the absorption process within your body. This allows your body to quickly become hydrated after those tough workouts.

While some brands on the market carry a higher amount of sugar in their electrolyte tablets, this brand certainly does not. With just trace amounts of sugar in their tablets, you won't have to worry about that dreaded sugar rush and the crash after the sugar wears off. As an added bonus, with less sugar involved, this means fewer calories which is great for those who monitor their caloric intake.

Cost and Value
With this particular brand of electrolyte tablet, you have the option to buy flavors separately, or as a variety pack. Choosing the variety pack can sometimes help you choose a flavor that is more preferable to consume.

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2. Saltstick

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2. Saltstick Electrolyte Tablets
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This electrolyte tablet has been known to help reduce the stress caused by the overwhelming heat. Packed with the proper amount of minerals, to aid your body's defense against dehydration. This brand prides itself on being more natural than some of the other electrolyte tablet options on the market today.

One of these tablets is packed with just the right amount and type of minerals your body needs to replace the electrolytes lost due to sweating. This brand of electrolyte tablets takes pride in their combination of sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium used to replenish your system.

All Natural
An electrolyte tablet that only gives your body what is needed is highly sought after by many, well this one does just that. With no added extra elements, such as sugar or corn syrup. Even the capsule that contains the minerals is a healthy alternative to some of the competitors on the market.

Cost and Value
Depending on the amount of activity you are doing, this electrolyte tablet provides the user with a sufficient supply for the cost. With the recommended use being one tablet for 30-60 minutes of activity, each bottle comes with 100 tablets, that's a whole lot of bang for your buck.

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3. GU Energy

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 GU Energy
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For those that suffer from gastrointestinal issues sometimes caused by electrolyte tablets, this brand might be effective to you. This is due to the specific ingredients used in the formula to combat the gastrointestinal issues some people will suffer from.

Used within the formula of this electrolyte tablet is xylitol, which is known for causing less stress to the stomach area. While other brands on the market will use sorbitol, which can be notorious for causing issues with the stomach.

To use these electrolyte tablets, simply plop them into roughly 16 ounces of water. From there they will dissolve into the water, then you simply sip and enjoy one of the four flavor options at your disposal.

Cost and Value
The benefits for this brand of electrolyte tablet will definitely outweigh the cost to the consumer. For those with a more sensitive stomach, the ingredients used to formulate these tablets are known for being gentle to the stomach. With four different flavor options, paired with two different size options, you should be able to choose what will best suit your needs when ordering.

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4. Rapid Rehydr8

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 Rapid Rehydr8
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These electrolyte tablets place more focus on those dreaded leg cramps than some of the others on the market have before. This is great news for those hardcore runners out there, finally, someone has you in mind. With these easy to swallow and digest tablets, you can run until your heart's content.

Leg Cramps
This brand of electrolyte tablets backs its theory of being the best defense against leg cramps with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. What does this mean for you? Well, it means that if you aren't completely satisfied with how these electrolyte tablets are working for you, this company will give you your money back. Making them hard to resist giving them a try.

Easy to Swallow
With changes to the size of these tablets, you can rest assured that they will slide right down, rather than leaving you feeling as though your choking. Made to be easy on the stomach as well, no worries of having a sour feeling stomach after taking these tablets either.

Cost and Value
Being one of the few on the market with a 100% guarantee, you can test these electrolyte tablets out for yourself without the risk of wasting your hard earned money. That right there is one of the greatest values a consumer could ask for.

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5. Medique Medi-Lyte

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 Medique Medi-Lyte
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The relief you have been looking for after a day of running in the heat, come to you in the form of a swallowable electrolyte tablet. Helping to combat that tired and body ache feel you sometimes get after being out in the heat, this electrolyte tablet promotes electrolyte replacement without adding sugar or sodium to your system.

Swallow Able
Instead of giving you an effervescent tablet, this brand gives you some relief from having to tolerate those sometimes less than desirable, add to your water effervescent tablets. These are tablets that can be swallowed, these will go down easy, as they are specially coated to aid in getting them down.

Combats Fatigue
The combination of minerals in this electrolyte tablet is designed to fight that fatigue that can sometimes plague you after spending a day in the heat and humidity. The minerals help to replenish your bodies supply of electrolytes lost due to sweating.

Cost and Value
At a relatively low cost to the consumer, this particular brand of electrolyte tablets comes in two quantity options. The first option provides you with 100 tablets, while the second option will give you 500 tablets. For those that do a lot of running in warmer weather, the 500 count box should suit your electrolyte replenishing needs.

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6. Hydralyte

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This brand of electrolyte tablets will have us taking a look at the effervescent style, which conveniently dissolves into your water, for a quick on the go style hydration. Since this brand comes in a handy tube, you can throw these into your pocket or bag, to keep them accessible all the time.

Effervescent Form
These electrolyte tablets can be dropped into your water bottle, they will quickly dissolve, replacing your electrolytes while you consume your water. For those who prefer a variety of flavors, these effervescent electrolyte tablets have three different flavors to choose from berry, orange, or lemonade. You are sure to find one that will suit your taste buds.

Since these electrolytes come in a compact tube, you will have no problem finding a pocket or compartment in your bag to carry these along with you. Some find it easy to store them in their car as well, this allows you to have them on hand at all times.

Cost and Value
Carrying these on the go with the convenient tube they come in, is not the only perk to these electrolyte tablets have, another great thing is the relatively low cost to the consumer. With three flavor options to choose from, you can enjoy a little flavor while replacing your electrolytes to balance out your system.

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7. Reviver

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These electrolyte tablets are not only formulated with the proper mineral combination, but they have also added a combination of vitamins to aid in your overall health and fatigue recovery. This brand option really promotes for helping aid in your health and well being.

The formula for this brand of electrolyte tablets adds a combination of vitamins that are known to help you absorb your electrolyte tablet more efficiently. Meaning you will get more from these than some of the other brands on the market. Another bonus, for those who like to indulge in those late night adult beverages, it is said that taking a couple of these before bed will ward off that unwanted hangover.

Full Disclosure
Within the ingredient list for these electrolyte tablets, you will find each ingredient fully listed. You can rest assured that this brand won't be hiding behind any "special blend" of ingredients. Every element that goes into these electrolyte tablets has been backed by science for the specific duty they perform to replenish your electrolytes.

Cost and Value
This option for electrolyte tablets will cost slightly more than some of the others that are on this list. This is due to the added vitamins and beneficial potential that these electrolyte tablets carry. In some cases, such as this one, you have to be willing to spend a little more to get a little more.

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8. Hi Lyte

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 Hi Lyte
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With the makeup of minerals in this electrolyte tablet, your sure to see some differences in your energy and hydration levels. Made to improve performance and aid in muscle recovery, this electrolyte tablet can be a beneficial part of your everyday workouts.

Mineral Combination
Added to the minerals used to restore your electrolytes are some key ingredients to make your system run more efficiently. Think of your system like your car's engine, if you want your car to run to its top performance, you would use the top of the line oil. Well, your body deserves top of the line electrolyte replacement, to aid not only in its function but also in its recovery.

Keto Approved
Both the minerals used and the capsule itself, make this electrolyte a perfect fit for those who chose a more clean way of eating. This tablet fits into both the low-carb and Keto lifestyles, those who follow this lifestyle know how hard it can be to find supplements to suit their needs.

Cost and Value
These electrolyte tablets not only aid in your body's performance, but they also assist you with recovery as well. That's like getting two supplements for the price of one, with a deal like that you really can't go wrong.

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9. Nutribiotic

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This electrolyte tablet option provides assistance with muscle recovery as well as the benefits of rehydration from the restored balance of your electrolytes. Taken prior to activity, these electrolyte tablets combined with an adequate amount of water can help fight the feeling of fatigue within your muscles.

Restoration of Electrolytes
Taking these electrolyte tablets will aid in the restoration of the electrolytes that can be lost during physical activities. Restoring these electrolytes helps cut down on the amount of time it takes for your muscles to recover from those same activities.

These electrolyte tablets are known to decrease the chances of your muscles cramping, which as we all know can decrease your performance. The minerals provided to you within these electrolyte tablets will provide your system with the adequate help it needs to run smoothly.

Cost and Value
The beneficial potential this brand of electrolyte tablets hold is plenty to cover the cost to you. For a fraction of the price as some of the others, your muscles will thank you for your decision to purchase a product such as this one.

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10. Trace Minerals

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 Trace Minerals
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This brand has made improvements to its formula in order to better suit your hydration needs. They have added supplements for quicker absorption results, which yields quicker results to those who take this electrolyte tablet.

Energy Levels
With the improved formula, comes your improved energy levels as well. This is due to the absorption rate of the electrolyte tablets along with the essential mineral combination used to replace your electrolytes more effectively.

Reduces Cramping
By adding magnesium to the mix, these electrolyte tablets help to reduce the muscles tendency to cramp with exertion. This can also improve the length of your performance as well as the amount of time it takes your body to recover.

Cost and Value
This electrolyte tablet option comes with two different sizes you can order, which gives you a better deal for the money you spend. You can choose to purchase a 90 count bottle for a fraction of the cost, or up the count to 300, for just a few more dollars. Sometimes it is nice to know that you have options out there when times are tough.

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