Best Hunting Chaps Reviewed & Rated for Quality

Standout Picks

Criteria Used for Evaluation
When the body builds up excess heat, it will produce sweat as a means to cool itself down and regulate temperature. As sweat evaporates from your skin, it removes heat energy along with it which cools your body. However, if your clothing does not allow the sweat to evaporate from your skin, then you will end up in a negative feedback loop where your body continues to produce more sweat to cool itself and instead ends up trapping heat.
The way to prevent this issue is to look for clothing that breathes well. Breathability in your clothing means that clothes will allow air molecules to pass through it so that sweat will evaporate away from your skin and cool your body. This will keep you from feeling excessively hot and sweaty while you are wearing your hunting chaps and will improve your overall comfort. The materials used to make the chaps tend to have a direct effect on the breathability.
Breathability tends to be a big problem when chaps are water resistant. Sometimes chaps are made to be waterproof which keeps you from getting wet but doesn't allow air molecules to pass through the chaps. At this point, the chaps no longer breathe properly which means you will end up feeling hot and sweaty. Water resistance in chaps is a good feature to have, but you need to make sure that they aren't so water resistant that the chaps will not breathe. Otherwise, moisture from your skin won't pass through the chaps and therefore, won't escape away from your skin. For this reason, you should look at breathability in order to make sure your chaps are comfortable.
When it comes to hunting, color can matter for a few different reasons. One of the most important reasons may come down to what colors are lawful for you to be wearing while you are hunting. For example, some jurisdictions require you to wear bright orange so that you are visible to other hunters and therefore are less likely to get shot on accident. Other kinds of hunts allow you to wear camouflage so that you are concealed from the animals that you are trying to hunt. When it comes to purchasing a pair of chaps for hunting, you are going to want to pay attention to the color that you are wearing so that you are safe and in compliance with the law.
The good news is that most chaps are sold in a variety of different colors. This means that if you need blaze orange, then chances are pretty high that you will be able to find a pair of blaze orange chaps. If your hunting requires camouflage, then you can usually find a pair of camouflage hunting chaps as well. Some people only need solid colors such as green and brown, which are common colors for chaps.
Prior to purchasing a pair of chaps for hunting, you should check with local authorities in the area that you plan to hunt in and find out what sort of colors are required. If there are no color requirements, then you are free to get any color that you think is necessary. Otherwise, you should comply with the law and get the proper colored chaps. After all, your safety is important which is why the color requirements exist in the first place.
There is a good chance that you aren't going to want to wear your chaps if you do not think that they are comfortable. This is why you are going to want to consider the overall comfort of the chaps in order to make sure that they are something that you are going to want to wear. If you do not like how the chaps feel, then you should look for a different pair of chaps.
There are a few things that you can look at to make sure that the chaps are something that you want to wear. One thing to look at is how well they fit. When purchasing a pair of chaps, it is recommended that you get them a little bit on the large size so that you can fit them over your clothing. The chaps should not be too tight or too loose on your either. Chaps that are too tight will feel constricting and make it hard for you to move. On the other hand, if the chaps are too loose then there is a chance that they can catch or snag on brush or other objects that you find in the wilderness.
It's also best to make sure that the chaps are not too long or too short. They need to cover your legs and should reach to your ankles. This will keep hazards such as briars from catching on your shoe strings or causing your boots to get wet. The chaps should also reach to about your waist as well and most of the time you can use adjustable straps to make them reach your waist properly so that they fit correctly.
Durability is one of the intended functions of your chaps so it should go without saying that you will want to make sure that your chaps are durable enough to resist ripping and tearing while you are using them. The last thing that you want is to own a pair of chaps that will catch and tear on some brush or a fence while you are moving through the wilderness. If your chaps are not durable, then it is unlikely that you will get the value from them when you go to use them and will be dissatisfied with your purchase.
Naturally, the chaps need to be able to resist getting snagged on something and tearing. There are a lot of things that can snag clothing including brush, barbed wired fence, branches, etc. You should look for a pair of chaps that are smooth enough to repel such hazards so that you don't get hooked and tear your chaps. This can be especially true with chaps that have a nylon exterior to them since it is hard to sew nylon.
The buckles, zippers, and snaps tend to be other trouble areas that you are going to want to look at. Buckles are often made of cheap plastic and are known to break on many chaps. You should make sure that the buckles are made of high-quality materials so that this doesn't happen. The zippers should be made of metal and not plastic as well so that they don't catch and break on the chaps. Finally, the straps need to be thick enough and sewn to the chaps properly so that they don't break or fall off.
Weather Resistance
People do not typically wear chaps inside so resistance to the weather is one of the intended functions of your hunting chaps. When you are picking out a pair of chaps, you should look at three properties. One is the chap's ability to resist water and moisture. Another area is how well the chaps insulate from cool or cold weather. Finally, you may want to consider the wind breaking properties of your chaps as well. All three of these properties can have a direct effect on the overall comfort of the chaps and is worth considering.
You should start by looking at water resistance. Water resistance is necessary because a lot of moisture will collect and condense on plant life that goes in the wild. Over time, your clothing will soak and absorb this moisture, which can start to make your clothes wet and you uncomfortable. When you are looking for a pair of chaps, you should try and find ones that have a nylon shell or a treated cotton canvas that will repel moisture. It is generally a good idea to avoid waterproof chaps since they can get extremely hot.
Insulation and wind breaking may or may not be an important factor depending on the climate that you plan on using the chaps in. If you are in a warm climate, you may want to look for thinner chaps that breathe better so that you can get rid of extra body heat and stay cool. On the other hand, people who are in colder climates may prefer to own chaps that are more insulating and break the wind in order to retain body heat and feel warmer.
10 Best Hunting Chaps
1. Rattler Snake Proof

Snakes are a well known outdoor hazard in certain areas of the country. Worse still, you almost never know when a snake will bite you until it is too late. These chaps are great for hunting in such areas because they are camouflaged but also provide you protection against snake bites from the knees to your ankles which gives you extra safety.
Snake Bite Protection
If you are hunting in an area that is known to have snakes, then you may want to consider owning a pair of chaps like these that will protect you from snake bites.
1000 Denier Nylon
The chaps are made of a 1000 denier nylon material. It's thick enough to protect you from hazards such as briars, thorns, thistles, and it's also water resistant to help you stay dry.
Cost and Value
You can purchase these chaps at a price that is slightly higher than the average price. The higher price is due to the fact that you get snake bite protection.

2. Boyt Harness Waxed Upland

These chaps are an ideal choice for anyone who loves to walk around in the wilderness. They are made of a thick cotton material that breathes well and feels great. The chaps have been designed to protect you from common hazards such as thorns, thistles, and briars which will protect your pants while you are moving through underbrush and foliage.
A layer of wax has been applied to the chaps. The wax will help them repel water and add to the water resistance of the chaps so that your pants stay dry.
Rather than using a material such as nylon, these chaps are made of cotton. Not only will that mean you can move quietly while hunting, but cotton is flexible and breathes well.
Cost and Value
You can purchase a pair of these chaps at a price that is slightly higher than the average price. The higher price is due to the fact that they are made of thick cotton.

3. Gamehide Briar-Proof

Gamehide offers you one of the best brands of upland hunting chaps. These chaps are made of cotton and nylon that will repel objects such as briars, underbrush, and thorns. They are waterproof which makes them great for bird hunting where you are likely going to be near or on the water. You will love how you feel when you are hunting with these chaps.
The outside shell of the chaps is made of a thick, 1000 denier nylon. The nylon shell is waterproof which will keep your pants from getting wet while you are hunting.
Cotton Interior
Cotton is a material that is soft, flexible, insulating, and moisture wicking. These chaps have a cotton interior that helps keep the chaps soft and comfortable so that you enjoy wearing them.
Cost and Value
You can purchase these chaps at a price that is around the average price. This makes them into a great value since you get a high-quality product at a fair price.

4. Tenzing Upland

Here is another great option for upland hunting. The Tenzing chaps are made of a ripstop cotton that will keep them from ripping and tearing if they get caught on something. They also have an exterior nylon layer that will resist water and keeps briars and other similar underbrush from sticking to your clothing as you move through the wilderness.
Full Zip Legs
The zipper runs the full length of the legs. This makes it really easy to take the chaps off and put them back on which makes the chaps easy to use.
Abrasion Resistant
The exterior layer is made of a 5000 denier nylon fabric. The nylon layer resists abrasion so that the chaps won't wear out as they rub against underbrush or another foliage.
Cost and Value
You can purchase a pair of these chaps at a price that is considered to be around the average. This allows you to get a high-quality pair of hunting chaps at a fair price.

5. Dan's Brush Buster

The Brush Buster by Dans is a great way to march through the wilderness. These chaps are made of a thick nylon material that will keep briars and brush from sticking to them or getting snagged. You will also love the fact that they are water resistant as well which will help to keep your clothing dry in wet days.
Brush Proof
These chaps are a great choice for when you need to move through heavy brush. They are made of 1000 denier nylon which repels brush and keeps it from sticking to your clothing.
Heavy Duty Zipper
The zipper on the size is twenty-four inches long and is a heavy duty zipper. This will make it easy to take the chaps off or put them on.
Cost and Value
These chaps can be bought at a price that is slightly lower than the average price. The lower price is due to them not having a liner which helps you save.

6. Foreverlast Snake Guard

Sometimes, you need protection from things other than annoying plants such as briars. As a matter of fact, if you are hunting in an area that is known to have snakes, then you will need protection against snake bites. These chaps by ForEverlast will have you covered by protecting you from snakes, briars, brush and other woodland hazards that you may encounter.
Snake Bite Protection
The chaps have been reinforced to protect you from snake bites. This protection extends from your ankles to your knees so that you are safe if a snake tries to bite you.
Upper Leg Protection
The upper portion of the legs is made of a material that is similar to Cordura. It will help to repel moisture, briars, and brush so that you are comfortable.
Cost and Value
You can purchase a pair of these chaps for a price that is lower than the average price. This makes them into an excellent value since you can get high-quality chaps while saving money.

7. Stone Creek Briarproof

Stone Creek brand hunting chaps are an excellent option for anyone who is looking for a pair of high-quality chaps that will protect them from briars, thorns, thistles, and other woodland hazards. You will love the other features that are found on these chaps and once you wear them you will see why they are such a great value.
Waterproof Liner
The inside of the chaps features a liner that is waterproof. This will help you stay dry in areas that are prone to having high moisture such as wetlands or similar areas.
Exterior Zipper
The zipper is located on the exterior side of the chaps. This will keep the zipper from rubbing against your leg while you are walking around in the chaps.
Cost and Value
Stone Creek sells these chaps at a price that is considered to be average. This makes them into an excellent value since you get high-quality chaps without paying a premium.

8. Browning Pheasants Forever

Any upland game hunter or waterfowl hunter will love these chaps by Browning. They are made of cotton so that they feel soft and comfortable at the same time. Furthermore, you will love how easy it is to put them on and take them off thanks to the outside snaps that are located on the chaps that completely open them up.
High Durability
The fabric is made of a material that has high tensile strength. This will keep the chaps from ripping and tearing in the event they get snagged on something in the wild.
Exterior Snaps
The snaps run full length throughout the side of the chaps. This will make it nice and easy to take them off and put them one because all you need to do is fasten the snaps.
Cost and Value
You can purchase a pair of these chaps at a price that is considered to be average. This turns them into a great value since you get high-quality chaps at a fair price.
9. Rattler Scaletech Snake Protection

Rattler makes a brand of chaps that are ideal for hunters who are planning on hunting in areas that are prone to seeing snakes. There are also other features that will help to make sure that you are protected while you are in the wildness as well. You will love how they feel and how great these chaps by Rattler perform.
They are sold in an APG camouflage pattern, which makes them well suited for hunting purposes. You can also purchase them in a regular green color as well if you don't need camouflage.
Snake Bite Protection
These chaps offer you protection against snake bites from the knee down. This is a great feature because you can never know when a snake may attack you while you are outside.
Cost and Value
You can purchase a pair of these chaps at a price that is lower than the average price. The lower price turns them into an ideal option because you get great chaps while saving.

10. TurtleSkin SnakeArmor

This is another great brand of chaps to own if you are hunting in areas that are known to have snakes. They are made of a thick material that will keep snake fangs from penetrating through the chaps. Furthermore, they offer you excellent protection from the weather which makes them well suited for hunting purposes. You will love the high quality of these chaps.
Total Snake Protection
Most chaps that offer protection against snakes only protect you from the knees down. These chaps are total protection and will keep you safe from the top to the bottom of the chaps.
They are made of a highly flexible material that allows you to move easily while you are wearing them. You will love how well they breathe and feel like regular clothing.
Cost and Value
This is a premium product so you should plan on spending an amount that is much higher than the average price. The higher price is due to them having total snake bite protection.

- Chaps, Web Page ,
- Fabric Denier Explained, Video ,
- How to Clean Suede Chaps, Web Page ,
- How to Clean Leather Chaps, Web Page ,
- Canvas, Web Page ,