Best Fly Sheets for Horses Reviewed and Rated for Quality

In a Hurry? Editors choice:
  Challenger Horsewear
Test Winner: Challenger Horsewear
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Horses are some of the most majestic creatures on the entire planet. There is very little that is like the bond between a rider and their steed. Something that brews from deep within a horse lover, and creates a connection that sees both parties always seeking to work in symbiosis with one another.

Because horses live a lot of their lives outside, and in barns, where a lot of flies can get at them, and weather can bother their skin or hide, fly sheets (or blankets) were invented to keep them from the majority of their woes. They do not cover the entire horse, but do a great job of keeping them under wraps while living about the farm.

Here are the ten best horse fly sheets that are on the market today, where you can get them, and how we found them.

Standout Picks

  Challenger Horsewear
It’s hard to truly pick the best out of all these horse fly sheets we’ve listed below, and for the rest of this guide we might dwell on that difficulty more than once, so prepare for that. But, we had to bump the Horse Fly Sheet Summer Spring Airflow Mesh Sheet from Challenger because nearly everyone on earth wants (at least in some small portion of their soul) their horse to look like a zebra from far away. The Challenger gives us this, at a very affordable price.
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Shires is a company that, if you’re a fan or keeper of horses, you’ve probably heard a million times. And trust us, we won’t shy away from bringing them up as much as we can on this list either. That’s because they are one of the most highly decorated, and much beloved horse accessory and product companies on the planet. And we’re about to prove to you exactly why that is with their Performance Fly Sheet.
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 Kensington Platinum
Sometime, probably a few hundred years ago, a fancy couple went out to the fields for a picnic lunch, trotted along by their horse, only to find that there was no protection for the horse when the rain eventually came. What could they do? They had to throw their awesome checkered picnic blanket over top of their trusty steed, and the fancy Kensington Platinum SureFit Fly Sheet was born.
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  Saxon Mesh Combo
It’s possible that plenty of people in the equestrian space haven’t heard of the brand Saxon, and we don’t super blame you. The world of horses, and horse accessories, isn’t one where you can easily find a bunch of budget-friendly brands, because the general care and ownership of a horse is inherently an expensive hobby or path. But Saxon brings a lot of great things to the world of fly sheets, and it’s worthy of your time, and your shortlist.
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  TuffRider Sport Mesh
We may have just talked your ear off about a fantastic product that was shockingly well made and yet still half the price of the average fly sheet, but here’s another one. Our favorite thing, once we’ve tasted a delicious treat, is to immediately follow that up with eating another one. This, the TuffRider Sport is another prime example, even if it’s a little more bare bones.
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  Professional's Choice
It might come out of left field and completely surprise you but this company, the one called Professional’s Choice, is one of the most beloved brands of horse accessories and gear for professionals. It’s quite a great name, if you think about it. Nothing is confusing or over the top, everything is made with the utmost quality in mind, and of course, the keeping of your horse.
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  TuffRider Comfy Mesh
Much like the previous TuffRider amazing horse fly sheet, the TuffRider Comfy Mesh Fly Sheet comes to the table with a respectable purpose, and a crazy affordable price tag, that, after all is said and done, might be the greatest option for those seeking to acquire a perfect second fly sheet, something that is more comfortable than sporty.
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  Professional's Choice Fly Mask
And we’re jumping back to the wonderful folks at the Professional’s Choice company, making amazing products for horses that everyone wants a part of. This time, we’re taking a look at one of their best Fly Masks. It took us all the way until number eight on our list to come up with something that is related to horse fly sheets, but not quite the same.
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  Tough 1 Zebra
What can we say really, it would be a shame to go an entire ten item list without cashing in on the zebra aesthetic at least twice, right? Who would we be if we passed up that brilliant opportunity. Well, here we have our second zebra sighting in the span of our list, and it comes in the form of a far more simplified, and budget-friendly option thanks to Tough 1 and the Zebra Mesh Fly Sheet.
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  Kensington Natural Boots
It’s time we bring back the kind of horse accessories, and one that does so with grace, complete desire for perfection, and a whole lot of style, and that is Kensington. We spoke about their prowess and history a bit in the past, and will reiterate just how special and beloved this brand is among horse owners, and equestrians the world over. These, aren’t your normal fly sheets, because they are for the legs. Boots, if you will. Making for an awesome way to end this list.
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Criteria Used for Evaluation


It’s pretty easy to understand why we would put Protection at the top of the criteria list for horse fly sheets because at the end of the day, that’s all we’re trying to do when we purchase these products. Horses are lovely creatures, and they are rather intelligent ones at that, but due to some major physical and evolutionary forms, they’ve never been that great at keeping things off of them. I suppose that has helped humans break wild horses for centuries.

Unfortunately, this means that insects like horse flies, and mosquitoes pretty much have free range to chow down on our horse friends, because they aren’t well equipped to shoe those bugs away, which is why we invented fly sheets. They keep a large portion of the horse’s skin covered, preventing the ability for insects or other bugs to nibble on their skin or make homes in their fur. That protection is the purpose of this product, so prioritizing this makes a whole lot of sense.

Other evolutions in the fly sheet industry have added the protection from UV rays. These sun rays are harmful in large doses, and horses can spend a lot of time outside. Adding some extra protection from harmful UVA and UVB rays is a major bonus to your horses health.

Along with rays from the sun, some horse fly sheets also offer protection from the cold, or the rain, acting more like large jackets than fly sheets. This is something one should also consider while shopping., and should be front-and-center if your horse is one that will have to endure colder winters.

These products were invented to protect horses from many things, which is exactly why it is our number one criteria during the vetting process, and should, one-hundred percent, be yours too.


If you were to ask a thousand little kids to draw what they thought a horse looked like, they would most likely all hit roughly the same shape. At least, in their heads it would all be the same. But the truth is that horses come in so many different sizes, and the industry as a whole hasn’t really caught up on that concept yet. It’s tricky. For some, it seems. Which is why the fit of these products makes a huge difference in whether or not it’s viable for your needs.

Sure, horses are the same rough shape, as a species, but the sizes vary quite a bit, and it would be more difficult to find two horses that are exactly the same size than two that are different. Horse fly sheets have a few different ways of ensuring that their products fit your horse (at least, the good manufacturers do), and those are size selection, and adjustable straps.

Horse sizes vary in measurements depending on where on the planet you live (or are from), but they normally consist of a measurement from the center of the horse’s chest, to where the tail meets the body. This measurement, in inches, is the common choice on the “size” drop-down menus on the product pages.

The other way that manufacturers ensure a close fit is by adding buckles and straps. These help make a tighter hold on the horses skin, which is the point of these fly sheets. All in all, there’s not a lot of good that can come out of getting a fly sheet that is too big or small. Getting something that can be fastened into a tight fit is key. Please measure your horse so that you know which size to get.


The universal view on product value is pretty simple. Take into consideration all of the things that you absolute need the product to do, add to that pile all of the addition bonus things it is capable of or provides, and combat that pile up against the company or shop’s asking price for the product.

This way, even budget-friendly options have obvious and palpable value, because they will be cheaper in price, most-likely cheaper in make, but will also not do all of the extras, making for room in the price department. The expensive products, will provide great value as well, because they may be higher in price, but you will also get better stitching, better materials, and probably a whole bunch of things (feature wise) that you didn’t ask for, but love having.

Throughout the build of our list, we sought to ensure that we were covering both ends of the market. We found some really stellar options at the budget-friendly range, and yet were able to also include products from amazing companies like Kensington, whom remain one of the world’s most beloved horse accessory and care product companies even today.

That’s the thing about value. Every product offers it. You just have to look in the right places, and not compare individual benefits from product to product. Rather, when you (the consumer) compare the inherent value of products to each other, you get a better picture of how those products affect you in the immediate.

10 Best Horse Fly Sheets

1. Challenger Horsewear

Where to buy
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  Challenger Horsewear
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It’s hard to truly pick the best out of all these horse fly sheets we’ve listed below, and for the rest of this guide we might dwell on that difficulty more than once, so prepare for that. But, we had to bump the Horse Fly Sheet Summer Spring Airflow Mesh Sheet from Challenger because nearly everyone on earth wants (at least in some small portion of their soul) their horse to look like a zebra from far away. The Challenger gives us this, at a very affordable price.

Colorful Zebra
It’s majestic. It’s beautiful. It’s a whole sight to see, and a wonderful thing at that. This zebra patterned horse fly sheet covers the body, neck, and thighs of your horse in a very stunning vivid fashion. The colorful accents add a touch of flair to the entire piece, bringing out some very great, and bright neon green that just makes the whole thing fantastic.

Coming to the table with not one, not two, but three different straps tying this entire fly sheet together, you’ve got one of the most secure, and adjustable horse coats on the entire market. There is a double fasten strap around the belly of the jacket, one fastening strap around each of the four legs, and a neck strap. These ensure a tight and comfortable fit around your horse, keeping it further proof of the elements.

Cost and Value
If you take into consideration just how much comfort and physical safety is granted by these fly sheets, and the sheer amount of materials it takes to cover these giant, beautiful animals, you’d be surprised how little things like this Zebra Summer Spring Airflow Horse Fly Sheet from Challenger is. There’s so much grand value in all of it. Right down to that affordable price.

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2. Shires

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Shires is a company that, if you’re a fan or keeper of horses, you’ve probably heard a million times. And trust us, we won’t shy away from bringing them up as much as we can on this list either. That’s because they are one of the most highly decorated, and much beloved horse accessory and product companies on the planet. And we’re about to prove to you exactly why that is with their Performance Fly Sheet.

Breathable & Light
There are a lot of things that horses want to do. They are absolutely electric and athletic animals, and love to move around a lot. Which is why Shires makes breathability, and the weight (or lack thereof) their priorities with their performance fly sheet. This wonderful coat will not slow down your horse in any way, allowing it to run around nearly unimpeded.

UV Protection
One of the things that horse fly sheet manufacturers make a large focus is their attempts to keep the harmful rays of the sun from hurting or permanently affecting the life of your horse. This, the performance fly sheet from Shire, protects against 90% of the sun’s UVA and UVB rays, which means your horse has nearly perfect coverage across it’s entire body. Considering that not much of the horse is exposed in this jacket, that’s pretty great coverage.

Cost and Value
Just slightly more than our number one item, the Shires’ Performance Fly Sheet is one of the best all-around jackets for any amount of dollars, and it does all it can to protect your horse from harmful sun rays, but keep it from feeling constricted, giving it the freedom of mobility.

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3. Kensington Platinum

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 Kensington Platinum
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Sometime, probably a few hundred years ago, a fancy couple went out to the fields for a picnic lunch, trotted along by their horse, only to find that there was no protection for the horse when the rain eventually came. What could they do? They had to throw their awesome checkered picnic blanket over top of their trusty steed, and the fancy Kensington Platinum SureFit Fly Sheet was born.

All Year
A lot of the times that owners focus and consider getting their horses a jacket is because they are seeking something that adds a level of protection during months of the year where the outside weather might be uncomfortable or harmful to your amazing horses. This jacket, the Platinum SureFit Protective Fly Sheet from Kensington is thick enough to be used during the winter (not extreme winters) and thin enough for keep horses protected in the mild summers.

Many Sizes
One thing that maybe not enough horse accessory companies do is offer their horse jackets in many sizes. Which is strange, considering all of the different shaped horses out there. Kensington, has done the equestrian world a major service by offering their deluxe “Platinum” fly sheet in many different sizes, meaning that no matter the size of your horse, you can probably get them one of these amazing jackets.

Cost and Value
Nothing with the word platinum in its name is going to be very cheap, and in that regard, you’re not going to be very surprised by the price tags on the Kensington Platinum SureFit Protective Fly Sheet. At average, or slightly above that price, this is one of the best deals, with the most value you could possibly find on the market right now.

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4. Saxon Mesh Combo

Where to buy
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  Saxon Mesh Combo
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It’s possible that plenty of people in the equestrian space haven’t heard of the brand Saxon, and we don’t super blame you. The world of horses, and horse accessories, isn’t one where you can easily find a bunch of budget-friendly brands, because the general care and ownership of a horse is inherently an expensive hobby or path. But Saxon brings a lot of great things to the world of fly sheets, and it’s worthy of your time, and your shortlist.

That Budget Price
We don’t like to harp on the price of products much on our guides, and that’s because the price is the least relevant factor in the value of any product. But, when we’re looking through an industry that is filled with amazing products, all roughly the same price, and something like this Saxon fly sheet pops up that does almost as much as those premium options do, at sometimes half the price, well, we’re a bit shocked, to be honest. Which is exactly why it’s on this list.

Neck Cover
Being that the Saxon Mesh Combo Neck Gusset Fly Sheet is what we have called “budget friendly” it’s pretty surprising that a product like this would also have a neck cover. The coverage of the horse’s neck is a very crucial piece of the really desired horse fly sheets. Not only is the neck a very easy place for a horse to get cold, it also has a direct feed to the jugular for all of those flies and mosquitoes.

Cost and Value
Twice we’ve mentioned it now, but why not do it one more time. The Saxon Mesh Combo Neck Gusset Fly Sheet is one of the best, and most affordable horse fly sheets we managed to find on throughout the entire market research faze of our guide building. It falls a little short in some of the aspects in the build, but for almost half the average price, some corners must be cut. The value is there in truckloads.

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5. TuffRider Sport Mesh

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  TuffRider Sport Mesh
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We may have just talked your ear off about a fantastic product that was shockingly well made and yet still half the price of the average fly sheet, but here’s another one. Our favorite thing, once we’ve tasted a delicious treat, is to immediately follow that up with eating another one. This, the TuffRider Sport is another prime example, even if it’s a little more bare bones.

Soft and Durable
One of the premium adjustments made by budget horse fly sheet manufacturers is that the materials are usually of less quality. Which usually makes things pretty rough to wear. Which is why we were amazing, and fell in love with the TuffRider Sport, because they purposefully made it as soft as they could, and with an extremely durable double-weave mesh for ultra sturdy durability.

Cross Surcingles
A surcingle is a strap that encompasses the girth of the horses body, and this, they TuffRider Sport Mesh Standard Neck Fly Sheet has a nicely designed, hyper-durable, and easily adjusted crossed surcingle straps that help keep the Sport Mesh firmly secured to your horse, and with that soft mesh, it will be the most comfortable option for a lot of horse owners.

Cost and Value
We’re heading away from the average price, it seems, and doing so at somewhat staggering speeds. But that doesn’t mean that products like the TuffRider Sport Mesh Standard Neck Fly Sheet aren’t soaking wet with value, because they are. Especially if you’re looking for an amazing second fly sheet, or you just don't have the funds to spend on one of the expensive premium ones.

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6. Professional's Choice

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  Professional's Choice
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It might come out of left field and completely surprise you but this company, the one called Professional’s Choice, is one of the most beloved brands of horse accessories and gear for professionals. It’s quite a great name, if you think about it. Nothing is confusing or over the top, everything is made with the utmost quality in mind, and of course, the keeping of your horse.

Resists Stains
One thing that a lot of these manufacturers don’t really prioritize, and it’s a bit insane when you think about how active, and outdoor a horse’s life is, and that’s the stains and ware of the horse fly sheets. The fine folks at Professional’s Choice have developed a UV-protected nylon mesh that is also stain resistant

Nylon Lining
We mentioned in the previous point that this horse fly sheet is made out of nylon, and we’re pleased to share that the interior nylon lining is designed specifically to prevent any sort of hair rub, that costs your horse comfort, and possible difficult skin conditions thanks to its softness. It’s a very large relief, and weight off your shoulders, knowing that your fly sheet won’t harm or complicate the health of your horse.

Cost and Value
The premium nature, materials, and manufacturing design process put forth by Professional’s Choice comes with a pretty weighty price tag, but no matter which direction you look, there is a boatload of value. The extensive attention to details, and the design standard committed to in order to ensure the comfort is so very key.

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7. TuffRider Comfy Mesh

Where to buy
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  TuffRider Comfy Mesh
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Much like the previous TuffRider amazing horse fly sheet, the TuffRider Comfy Mesh Fly Sheet comes to the table with a respectable purpose, and a crazy affordable price tag, that, after all is said and done, might be the greatest option for those seeking to acquire a perfect second fly sheet, something that is more comfortable than sporty.

Comfort Priority
While the previously mentioned TuffRider fly sheet was focused on offering a little bit less protection and comfort for the sake of being mobile, flexible, and unrestricting, this fly sheet titled the “Comfy” version is the opposite. A great option for horses that are less active, or as an option to switch to after a run around the stables. It’s manufactured mesh is designed to be soft and comfortable on your horse’s fur.

No Frills
It’s really easy to go all out on a products features. In almost any industry, things get out of hand fairly quickly. Often to the benefit of the consumer. But as recent trends in the 21st Century show, simplicity is a common desire, and not a lot of companies are offering that kind of ease to consumers these days. Sometime, the simplest things on earth are the nicest things to own.

Cost and Value
What’s there to say about the cost. For less than a half-decent meal out on the town, you can get a very valuable second or third addition to your fly sheet collection. One that is very much designed to keep your horse comfortable while protecting it against harmful UV rays, and biting flies, all while not even making your wallet sweat in the slightest. That’s a whole ton of value.

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8. Professional's Choice Fly Mask

Where to buy
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  Professional's Choice Fly Mask
Amazon Link

And we’re jumping back to the wonderful folks at the Professional’s Choice company, making amazing products for horses that everyone wants a part of. This time, we’re taking a look at one of their best Fly Masks. It took us all the way until number eight on our list to come up with something that is related to horse fly sheets, but not quite the same.

Protects the Face
While the use of a Horse Fly Sheet is extremely useful, because flys and the harmful rays from the giant ball of fire in the sky like to harm and bother your horse, there is a whole lot of use for something that protects the face. Horses are very capable, and intelligent creatures, but they do not possess the joints, or the limbs to swipe the nasties away.

Lycra Love
Thanks to its manufactured material, the lycra hybrid mesh, the Professional’s Choice Comfort Fit Fly Mask for Horses is something that fits so perfectly on your horse’s face, that it cannot rub, and does not leave any room for flies to get in. It’s one of the most comfortable, and breathable horse fly masks on the market, and made by a brand people love and trust.

Cost and Value
Speaking of loving and trusting a brand. Those two things can really affect the price tag of a product, and that’s a great thing because it usually means that you’re getting something really great. Which will always be the case when it comes to Professional’s Choice horse products, one of the highest grossing horse accessory manufacturers on earth.

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9. Tough 1 Zebra

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  Tough 1 Zebra
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What can we say really, it would be a shame to go an entire ten item list without cashing in on the zebra aesthetic at least twice, right? Who would we be if we passed up that brilliant opportunity. Well, here we have our second zebra sighting in the span of our list, and it comes in the form of a far more simplified, and budget-friendly option thanks to Tough 1 and the Zebra Mesh Fly Sheet.

Zebra Mesh
Just imagine it. Someone you know is driving down the road, possibly past your farm, and out of the corner of their peripheral vision, they see a zebra trouncing around on your property, and what ensues is the most confusing and delightful twenty minutes of contemplation that person has ever had in their life. Well. There’s a chance you can make that a reality if you were to dress your horse in one of these amazing Zebra pattern fly sheets from Tough 1.

Tough 1 isn’t coming to dinner with an extensively complicated dish here. Instead, they’ve focused on the Japanese-style art of perfecting the simple ingredients list, and bringing with them a delicious, but rather simple, dish. The Zebra Mesh Fly Sheet they offer is everything you want it to be in a protective (from flys and bugs) sheet, with no other frill or attempt at features.

Cost and Value
More often than not, when you get a good company, making highly specialized, and ultimately uncomplicated products, you get something that has a very reliable amount of value within it. That’s exactly what comes out of the over with the Tough 1 Zebra Mesh Fly Sheet. It does what you need it too, and does it well, all while adding an interesting design pattern to the outside.

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10. Kensington Natural Boots

Where to buy
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  Kensington Natural Boots
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It’s time we bring back the kind of horse accessories, and one that does so with grace, complete desire for perfection, and a whole lot of style, and that is Kensington. We spoke about their prowess and history a bit in the past, and will reiterate just how special and beloved this brand is among horse owners, and equestrians the world over. These, aren’t your normal fly sheets, because they are for the legs. Boots, if you will. Making for an awesome way to end this list.

More Protection
Caring for a horse isn’t a game, and it’s not a cheap endeavour, and that leaves a lot of people wanting to go above and beyond for the care and comfort of their horses. Which is precisely where an amazing product like fly boots comes in. The added protection around areas that are often a focus of pests and bugs could be essential for the comfort and joy of your horse.

Patterns and Colors
As the folks at Kensington sit atop their throne of adoration, they continuously do things like give their customers many great options that keep them coming back and being fans of the franchise. One of the ways they’ve done this is by making a brilliant and well made product like their Horse Fly Boots, but also offering it to their consumers in many different, and rather beautiful, color options.

Cost and Value
Being that these boots are sold in pairs, one must assume that they will need to purchase two pairs of them. This puts the price above the budget-friendly horse fly sheets, and that can be difficult to swallow. What makes that easier though, is the fact that Kensington is one of the best brands in the entire market, and these are probably the highest quality fly boots one can get.

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