Best Wasp Sprays Reviewed & Rated for Quality

Standout Picks

Criteria Used for Evaluation
We all want wasps dead, but even if the spray you use eventually kills them, what is stopping them from squeezing off one last sting on your butt in the interim? You do not just want wasp spray; you want wasp spray with stopping power. This means that you want a wasp spray formula that brings the bugs to a full-on halt in their tracks when you hit them with it. Otherwise, there is nothing stopping the bugs from deciding that if they are going down, they’re taking your ability to sit comfortably for the next month with them. If it does not say “kills instantly” go to the next item.
It is not enough to take out the single wasp, that little bugger came from somewhere, and you have to hit the problem at its source in order to achieve any kind of results. So you need to find a wasp spray that not only works on single wasps but also utterly destroys the nest. This is where the larvae are formed, so this is where you need to hit in order to take them out for good.
For this, while aerosol works just fine, you are going to want to find a foam spray can to really get the results you are looking for. Foam sprays hold onto the area for longer periods of time and will kill any wasps that come into contact with it. Whichever way you go about it, make sure to hit it as soon as you know where it is, because that thing is only going to get bigger, and the bigger it gets, the more money you will have to spend to have it removed.
Currently, wasp spray simply should not stain anymore. We have the technology and the chemical potency to make sure this does not happen while still fulfilling the purpose of the product. So with most wasp sprays, you are pretty much guaranteed that it will not stain, though there are some brands that still employ chemical formulas that leave behind stains. Make sure that when you go in for wasp spray, the label clearly reads “non-staining.” While it is not necessarily a requirement, it will save you a lot of potential headaches down the line.
Even if you miss with wasp spray, generally you should at least have left an impact. That is because the chemicals left behind by your missed spray should still be there and still work. This is why foam wasp spray is so popular because it creates a minefield of sorts that the wasps cannot escape from, because the minute they touch the foam, the chemicals work their magic and stop them dead in their tracks. So when you look for wasp spray, look for the models that will stick around after you spray.
Anyone who hates wasps as much as, well, any reasonable person should, would obviously not want to get too close to them when trying to remove them. This is why wasp sprays put so much emphasis on the range they are used. The average range for wasp sprays is around 20-25 ft, but higher class wasp sprays are up to 27 ft. at least. This is very important because there is a very good reason that the metaphor most commonly used to describe utter chaos breaking out at a moment’s notice is “kicking the wasp’s nest.”
To call wasps territorial would be to compete for understatement of the century, because the minute a wasp colony suspects that their home is in danger, they will swarm to eliminate the threat at any cost. So you are going to want as much distance between you and the nest for when that happens.
Safety Hazards
The chemicals used to kill wasps can actually be really harmful to other things such as plants, the ground, animals, and people. So try to find a wasp spray that will not hurt any of those things, because that can backfire on you hard if you do not use this spray correctly. For instance, if you have children nearby, they can potentially get the spray in their eyes which will almost guarantee a trip to the hospital.
Thankfully in recent years, ways have been developed that help to kill wasps without endangering the people around you. Try to find those sprays if you can. But if you cannot, it is not a deal-breaker, as you just need to make sure that nobody is in the line for fire.
The last thing you want when you go to spray down a wasp nest is for the amount that;s in the can to suddenly run out on you when the wasp swarm has just realized what the problem is and where it is coming from and are collectively on their way to file numerous complaints about the way you’re treating them. This is why it is important to buy multiple sets of wasp spray at once. Because you are going to run out, so you had best have a backup can or two to fall back on.
In general, unless you are buying multiple cans at once, wasp spray should not cost you too much. The average price for a single can of wasp spray is around $10-12 at most. It is very rare that a single can will cost you more than that, but if it does, there probably is not much left, and they are trying to hold onto the stock that they can until they can refill.
10 Best Wasp Sprays
1. Raid Wasp Spray

If there is any reputable name in the pest control industry, it’s Raid. The exterminator company has been around for almost as long as pest control has been a profitable business, and their wasp spray is some of the best on the market.
The aerosol contained within this can is electrically non-conductive extending up to around 32,500 volts. Meaning that, with the majority of electrical appliances in your home, this aerosol is completely safe to use around them.
If you are particularly spheksophobic, you are probably not in too much of a hurry to get close to a wasp nest. Well, not to worry, as Raid’s wasp and hornet killer spray reach distances of up to 22 ft. meaning that there is no need for you to get too close to the things.
Cost and Value
Wasp spray is a very commonly sold retail item, meaning that even the pricey models will not cost you all that much.

2. Black Flag Foaming

Bringing it all home is the Black Flag Foaming Wasp Spray, the only other foaming entry on this list. Because in all honesty, foaming wasp sprays are so excellent that simply being of that variant is reason enough to get on this list, with other merits deciding how far up they go from there. And while Black Flag’s brand is not as effective as the other foaming wasp spray on this list, it is still an excellent brand of wasp spray that anyone would be safe to have in his or her arsenal.
Wide spray
Easily the best part about this spray is that it does not just spray foam, it sprays it wide. Covering a wide area in the insect-killing foam, this spray will have entire nests covered in a matter of seconds when using this spray. Which is good, because you are going to want to start running very soon when you use it.
Crevice tool
One of the main things that got Black Flag on this list is the included crevice tool. Usually something you have to buy separately, black flag come equipped with an add-on that allows you to get to those hidden wasp nests that are built into the walls and ceilings. Whereas with other sprays you would have to spray at these small little holes and hope it reaches them, this one is guaranteed contact.
Cost and Value
For a very reasonable range, this spray is more than worth your money. It is fast-acting; long-range stopping power makes it worth any money you could spend to buy it.

3. SpectracidePro Wasp Spray

When dealing with a wasp nest, most people will tell you to just use normal wasp spray on the wasps, then knock down the nest with a broom or something. But wouldn’t it be nice to get both in one fell swoop? This is where SpectracidePro comes into play.
Nest killer
Not only will this high-grade wasp killer take out any wasp it comes across, but it will also take out the entire nest if you aim it the nest’s way. And this is not just making the wasps inside die, though it definitely accomplishes that. In larger doses, it can actually knock the nest loose.
High non-conductivity
While other wasp sprays only have a non-conductivity rate of around 32,500 volts, this spray goes a step further, with 47,300 volts. The only way for this spray to conduct electricity is if you are spraying in a power plant.
Cost and value
Not only is this spray cheap, but you’ll also find it for cheaper than other leading store brands.

4. Terro T3300-2

This type of wasp spray is not just specifically fine-tuned to take out wasps; it is specially made to eliminate the entire nest, made with chemicals that act fast and with multiple targets. If you have a nest of wasps in your garage or somewhere else in your house, this spray will be your best bet at getting rid of the nasty little things fast and easy.
Maybe you do not have wasps. Maybe you have hornets, bud daubers, or yellow jackets. Well, not to worry, because Terro’s wasp spray also works on any other flying insect that it comes into contact with.
Not only does this wasp spray have the same long-range reach that the other top brands have, reaching lengths of around 22 ft. or more, but it also goes in a completely straight line whilst doing so. No spread as it goes outward at all.
Cost and Value
Terro’s wasp and hornet killer will not cost you much, like other brands of this spray. But if you buy them in larger amounts, it will result in a higher fee.

5. Ecosmart

It can feel bad using wasp spray sometimes. Not out of pity for the insects, mind you, the minute those bugs invade your home, they relinquish any sympathy they may have otherwise been owed. But rather, it can feel bad because a lot of wasp spray uses harsh chemicals that can muck up the air around you. Fortunately, there is an environmentally friendly option in the form of Ecosmart Organic Wasp and Hornet Killer.
Only hurts wasps
The biggest selling point of this spray is that, unless you are a wasp, this spray does not hurt you at all. It does not hurt mammals, people, even other bugs are unaffected. The chemicals that make up this formula are fine-tuned to not only be environmentally friendly but also to be harmless to anyone except the target.
Organic formula
Not only is this formula effective, but it is also completely organic, meaning it does not hurt people, animals, or the environment when you use it. Getting this stuff on the ground or on plants will have no negative effects whatsoever.
Cost and Value
This can be seen as a bit pricey for wasp spray, but thankfully nowhere near as pricey as other brands. And the value of a completely non-toxic wasp spray more than outweighs that above average cost.

6. Enforcer Wasp Spray

Maybe being a wasp killer is not good enough for you. Maybe you want the wasp not only dead but noticeably, instantly dead. Some wasp sprays will still work, but it will not be immediately noticeable or even effective, taking a bit of time to work. Enforcer, however, will be immediately effective.
Which brings us nicely into the headline asset of this spray. The spray’s tin is not kidding when it says this, by the way, it really does knock down every wasp it comes into contact with. Sure most wasps fall when aerosol hits them because it tampers with their wings. However, Enforcer knocks them down because it instantly kills them. Very attractive for someone who wants the wasps in their house dead as soon as possible.
Ergonomic trigger
Spray bottles can be tricky to properly use, especially when you are wearing gloves and thus cut off from the sensitivity of the trigger. Luckily, the trigger of the enforcer brand is more ergonomic, meaning that it is easy to use and control even when you are wearing gloves.
Cost and value
Like the other entries on this list, the cost of the enforcer will not do much to your wallet. It really is not much, especially when you only buy one item.

7. Bonide

Bonide is a rather obscure brand of wasp and hornet spray. Whereas other brands have evolved their product to be able to tackle larger problems, to the point of being used by professionals for larger-scale wasp elimination, Bonide, despite still being around, has been largely forgotten about. Which is a shame, because their wasp spray is still a very high-quality product.
Able to take out large nests
Though to be fair, the larger the nest, the more needs to be applied, and the longer it takes, but most wasp sprays are only able to take out small to medium-sized nests. This, meanwhile, can take out nests the size of basketballs with an overnight application.
Instant kill
Whereas nests need a bit more time for a full application, a normal, singular wasp dies within one burst of this spray, curling into a ball and dying instantly.
Cost and Value
The cost of this product is fairly average, coming in at around $10-12 give or take. And if you have a large nest in or around your home, and you need it gone yesterday, then its value speaks for itself.

8. Bengal Foaming

One of the more interesting variants of wasp spray is foaming wasp spray. This spray foregoes the aerosol form in favor of a foam-like substance that acts as a sort of wasp killing barrier that poisons and kills the bugs upon contact. And because of that, it is a pretty effective spray for use on nests.
Foam trap
Applied correctly, this can be the most effective wasp killing tool in your arsenal. This comes from the fact that the foam sticks around after application, so you can potentially trap the wasp in a minefield of instant death under the right circumstances.
Safe on plants
One thing you have to watch out for with other wasp sprays, or bug sprays in general, is that they can really mess up your plants, especially ornamental plants, and shrubs. But with Bengal foaming wasp killer, no plants are in danger from contact with this foam. The only thing that has anything to fear from this spray is your targets.
Cost and value
Here is the main downside with Bengal: the price. Bengal’s wasp spray on most retailers will usually cost you upwards of around $20 or more, depending on which store you consult.

9. Hot Shot

Hot shot is not a very well-known brand when it comes to wasp spray, but nonetheless, their spray brand is still very valuable and worthy of recognition for its abilities. Does it do anything incredibly special? Not really, but this is wasp spray, please keep in mind. Most do not ask for a lot from wasp spray, if it does its job, then that is worthy of the price tag.
Water-based formula
Yes, there are certain chemicals included in the formula for this wasp spray, but the base for the formula is water. Meaning that it will not stain.
27 ft. Spray
The spray nozzle has a range of around 27 ft. and because of the special nozzle that it employs, that stream will stay focused the whole way.
Cost and Value
Hot Shot Wasp Killer will not cost you all that much. Like other wasp killer brands.

10. Spectracide HG - 65865

Rolls right off the tongue, doesn’t it? Despite the lack of creativity in the name, this brand of wasp spray is still a highly valuable brand, and worthy of the Spectracide name. Once again, it is a wasp spray that’s tough on both the wasps and the nests they crawled out of.
Longest range
Easily the longest range in the list, a can of Spectracide comes with a range of 27 ft, meaning you can snipe those annoying wasps out of the sky at long range.
One advantage that Spectracide’s formula has over other brands is that the spray is non-staining. This means that you do not have to break out the washcloth every time you use it just because you got some of it on your good countertop.
Cost and Value
This brand of wasp spray is actually fairly cheap. This makes it one of the most affordable wasp sprays on this list.