Best Pedometers Reviewed & Rated for Quality

In a Hurry? Editors choice:
Realalt 3DTriSport
Test Winner: Realalt 3DTriSport
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One of the biggest hurdles standing in the way of more people exercising is proper motivation. Especially since nothing will kill motivation more effectively than a lack of knowledge of just how far you’re actually getting, or how much progress you’re making each day. It’s this hurdle that gave birth to one of the best exercise devices in modern history: the Pedometer. A pedometer is a tool an individual can wear on their person to keep track of their steps. With the advancement in technology, many of these pedometers also couple as a heartbeat monitor or blood pressure monitor. An item like this would be a great way to jump-start an active lifestyle. And we’re counting down the top 10 of them here today, so put in your headphones and get ready for a brisk morning jog, because we’re counting down the best pedometers on the market.

Standout Picks

Realalt 3DTriSport
Kicking off our list, we have the Realalt 3DTriSport. This pedometer gets the top billing because it’s a perfect example of ease of use not having to mean doing away with varying features. What does this mean? Read on to find out.
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Active 3DFitBud
In our 2nd place spot is the 3DActive 3DFitBud pedometer. This is what you’re looking for when all you want is the best version of a no-frills, simple pedometer. It does exactly what it’s designed to do, nothing more, nothing less. It just also happens to do it better than most of its competition.
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Finishing out our top 3 is the OneTweak Back-to-Basics Pedometer. Like before, this is another simple pedometer, but there is still quite a lot to this little pedometer that set it apart. Made by the famous OneTweak company, this seemingly simple device will improve your exercise routine in ways you didn’t even know needed improvement.
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Omron Alvita Optimized
Starting up our #4 spot, there’s the Omron Alvita Optimized Pedometer. Omron has been in the business for some time now and have put out some very high-quality products. But none of them are quite as good as the Alvita. What makes this pedometer stand so tall? Let’s find out.
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Bellabeat Leaf
For our female readers who want not only something personalized but also a pedometer that monitors their overall well-being on top of their fitness, there’s the Bellabeat Leaf Urban Health Tracker. Much more aesthetically pleasing than the other pedometers on this list, the Leaf Urban has a lot more to offer on top of that.
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HRM Pedusa
In our #6 spot, there’s the Pedusa Tri-Axis, Multi-Function, Pocket Pedometer. Quite the mouthful, but it definitely lives up to every single one of those monikers. Despite not being a pedometer that you can clip onto your clothes, a turn off for many, this pedometer more than makes up for it with sheer quality.
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OZO Fitness SC2
You may not be the biggest fan of the Bluetooth or smartphone connection, so many Pedometers have nowadays. So, for that, we have the OZO Fitness SC2. However, just because it doesn’t hook up to your phone, don’t assume that means it’s of lesser quality, because you will be proven profoundly wrong.
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Mi Xiaomi Band 2
Starting off our final 3, we have our choice for #8, the Mi Xiaomi Band 2. The biggest difference between this pedometer and others is, obviously, the fact that the Xiaomi is an actual band, a wrist worn device that you wear all the time and can check as often as you want naturally. However, that isn’t all it has going for it.
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Ozeri Pocket 3D
In our second to the last spot, there’s the Ozeri Pocket 3D Pedometer. Unlike other Pedometers, this one is specifically designed to be used by high-end athletes during their training regiments. Now, does this pedometer actually deserve to be used by such prestigious athletes as it clearly wants so badly to be? Let’s find out.
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Huabola Calyn
Ending this list is the Huabola Calyn Simple Walking Digital Pedometer. And simple is more than apt when describing this pedometer, as it is the most bare-bones design featured on this list, consisting of little more than a screen and a single button. So, what does this pedometer actually have going on under the hood? Let’s find out.
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Criteria Used for Evaluation

Ease of Use

A pedometer is a surprisingly complex machine, and thus a lot determines what makes it on this list, and where on this list they make it. What are these criteria?

The whole attraction of pedometers in the first place is that they are a simplistic, easy to pick up and use, option for people who want to get in better shape. Compare them to, say, GPS watches, with all their bells, whistles, doodads, and other made-up words meant to describe how cumbersome they can be. The point is that a normal person should have absolutely no trouble picking up and using a pedometer. These are simple machines, often turned on just by walking while holding them on your person and should thus be kept as such.

It probably sounds ludicrous to those who have grown up in this modern age where complex technology surrounds us every day so it doesn’t seem like a big deal, but there are still those that need a device just to turn on when they want it to turn on, and then have that machine work the way it’s supposed to from the start. And really, that should not be such a controversial opinion.

Battery Life

One of the great benefits of the simplicity of the pedometers is that, since they don’t have so much running on them at one time, only having to operate one program and maybe an add-on or two, their battery lives tend to last way longer than other contemporary devices today. And on top of that, also unlike other devices, the batteries that run pedometers are switchable, not chargeable, so you can get right back into the action, instead of sitting and waiting for the hunk of plastic to recharge. Because of this, a lot of thought is put into how long each pedometer’s battery actually lasts them. A battery that keeps a pedometer running for 20 weeks is much more preferable to one that keeps the machine running for 20 days.


All 3 of these revolve around how easy they are to carry with you. These are, after all, portable devices, so a big selling point of a lot of pedometers is how easy they are to carry, how small they are, etc. Size doesn’t mean everything, of course, so a lot of this criteria came down to how well the pedometer performed, and how well they balanced out that performance with the device’s size. Technology has gotten more complex and smaller over time, but there is still such a thing as being too small. For one, being too small means the text is harder to read, and on a monochrome screen on a bright sunny day, that’s going to be hard enough. The best pedometers find the right balance between size, weight, width, and performance.


What good are these devices if they don’t even tell you the right number? This is what makes more expensive units the more tempting option. A higher price generally means more money and resources were poured into it, and thus, better technology comprises the device’s makeup. This isn’t always true, of course. The devices that are the most expensive may also be the quickest to break because the developers behind it forgot more basic details like sturdy screws. This is generally something you need to trust words of mouth on, such as online reviews or customer feedback. The accuracy of a device is typically hard to tell without buying and then using it yourself.


When convenience of use is one of the main selling points of your device, then the design should be at the very top of your priorities list. This cannot be stressed enough. It’s not even a matter of making it too big or bulky, every designer working on a pedometer these days knows not to do that. It’s the little design quirks that can ruin a pedometer. For instance, a pedometer needs to have smooth, easy to handle edges, if it isn’t already rounded in shape in the first place. It may not seem like a lot, but you are going to have to carry this thing around to some capacity, and hard, jagged edges are going to wear you down. The design of a device that you carry on your person for a large amount of the day is paramount, as it will help decide whether or not the act of carrying that device is a fun, comfortable experience or not.

10 Best Pedometers

1. Realalt 3DTriSport

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Realalt 3DTriSport
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Kicking off our list, we have the Realalt 3DTriSport. This pedometer gets the top billing because it’s a perfect example of ease of use not having to mean doing away with varying features. What does this mean? Read on to find out.

You wouldn’t believe that this is one of the most advanced pedometers on the market just by looking at it. It’s only when you use it that you realize just how versatile it is. And yet, like its appearance, the use of the pedometer is simplistic and doesn’t leave you lost, as every function and button is clearly labeled and ensures you always know what you’re doing.

Most pedometers only track steps taken, but this one also counts distance traveled in those steps. Whether in kilometers or miles, this pedometer keeps an accurate track of how far you’ve run in the steps you’ve taken since starting.

Pedometers typically don’t cost as much as you’d think they do. You’ll very rarely pay the amount you pay for a cell phone that you do a pedometer. Still, though, you’ll find the Trisport priced very fairly, even by those standards.

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2. Active 3DFitBud

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Active 3DFitBud
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In our 2nd place spot is the 3DActive 3DFitBud pedometer. This is what you’re looking for when all you want is the best version of a no-frills, simple pedometer. It does exactly what it’s designed to do, nothing more, nothing less. It just also happens to do it better than most of its competition.

When you’re ready to use this pedometer, it’s ready to be used. It requires no software downloads, no menu setups, the minute you take it out of the package; you just need to pop in the battery and turn it on.

When you’re running, small text on a monochrome screen can be hard to make out. Fortunately, this pedometer understands this and makes sure that the text is large enough to make out at all times, even when you’re running at top speed.

Seeing as how this pedometer does not have any added features or gimmicks to add onto its price tag, this pedometer is generally very affordable in comparison to its peers.

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3. Back-to-Basics

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Finishing out our top 3 is the OneTweak Back-to-Basics Pedometer. Like before, this is another simple pedometer, but there is still quite a lot to this little pedometer that set it apart. Made by the famous OneTweak company, this seemingly simple device will improve your exercise routine in ways you didn’t even know needed improvement.

A lot of people like to strap their pedometers onto their wrists so that they don’t have to keep reaching into their pockets as they run. It’s a good, convenient way to keep track, but that means that a pedometer needs to be able to be wearable for potentially hours of use without getting on the runner’s nerves. Like this pedometer, it needs to be lightweight and comfortable to wear no matter where you’re wearing it.

If it interests you, this pedometer also keeps a cumulative track of your progress overall, not just day-to-day. This is mostly thanks to the impressive data storage of this device, which can store up to 30 days of progress before it needs to reset.

While it may have a bit of extra software to it, this pedometer is still simple and bare bones enough not to be worth much compared to its more expensive peers. Making it an excellent deal for the trainer on a budget.

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4. Omron Alvita Optimized

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Omron Alvita Optimized
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Starting up our #4 spot, there’s the Omron Alvita Optimized Pedometer. Omron has been in the business for some time now and have put out some very high-quality products. But none of them are quite as good as the Alvita. What makes this pedometer stand so tall? Let’s find out.

One of the habits you will have to otherwise adopt with other pedometers is resetting it after you’re done, which can be quickly forgotten, especially after a hectic workout where all you want to do is a shower for the next hundred years and then sleep for even longer. Fortunately, the Alvita gets around this by resetting itself at the stroke of midnight via an internal clock.

If you are interested to see how well you’ve been doing the past week, the Alvita comes equipped with a 7-day memory function that lets it record all the progress you’ve been making the past week, separated by day. This, as you can imagine, is a fantastic motivator.

Even among its peers, this is probably the cheapest item on the list. It may vary from retailer to retailer, but you’re unlikely to pay even half of what you’d pay for the other entries on this list for this pedometer.

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5. Bellabeat Leaf

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Bellabeat Leaf
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For our female readers who want not only something personalized but also a pedometer that monitors their overall well-being on top of their fitness, there’s the Bellabeat Leaf Urban Health Tracker. Much more aesthetically pleasing than the other pedometers on this list, the Leaf Urban has a lot more to offer on top of that.

Not only does this pedometer do its basic job wonderfully, that of keeping track of the steps you take during a workout, it also tracks two other essential facets of personal health: your levels of sleep and stress. Now you know when you are in desperate need of some personal time to unwind for your own health, which is hard to determine if you stay at a level of high stress by default.

Not only does the Leaf Urban measure your stress levels, it even gives you means by which you can regulate your stress. Using built-in meditation exercises, this pedometer can be hooked up to your phone to help you meditate that stress away for better, more efficient work.

This is definitely one of the most expensive entries on this list. Generally speaking, you’ll usually find this pedometer for about twice or even three times as much as what the rest of these entries cost. Still though, considering all that it’s offering you, it’s safe to say it’s worth the price.

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6. HRM Pedusa

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HRM Pedusa
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In our #6 spot, there’s the Pedusa Tri-Axis, Multi-Function, Pocket Pedometer. Quite the mouthful, but it definitely lives up to every single one of those monikers. Despite not being a pedometer that you can clip onto your clothes, a turn off for many, this pedometer more than makes up for it with sheer quality.

So, what even is a 3D Tri-Axis Sensor, anyway? Well, to put it as simply as possible, it’s a type of sensor that allows the pedometer in question to record your activity anywhere on your person. Usually, a pedometer has to be clipped onto you, feeling you move by being physically on your body. However, the Pedusa’s sensor allows the activity to be recorded no matter where on you it is. Whether that’s your purse, your pocket, or so forth.

One thing that can trip up your pedometer’s measurement is false stepping or taking a step that wasn’t part of your exercise routine, such as running in place. Luckily, this pedometer is intelligent enough to know the difference, and will not count anything it deems to be a false step.

The best thing about this pedometer is the price, which is typically very cheap for what’s actually being offered to you. You’ll rarely find this pedometer cracking the double digits on the market.

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7. OZO Fitness SC2

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OZO Fitness SC2
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You may not be the biggest fan of the Bluetooth or smartphone connection, so many Pedometers have nowadays. So, for that, we have the OZO Fitness SC2. However, just because it doesn’t hook up to your phone, don’t assume that means it’s of lesser quality, because you will be proven profoundly wrong.

Not only does this pedometer measure the steps you’ve taken, and the distance in which you’ve taken them, it also measures how fast you’re going and how long you’re going at that speed, as well as the number of calories you’re burning as you’re doing all of this.

It’s hard to feel confident when exercising, so, fortunately, this pedometer comes in a very small package, meaning you can put it anywhere, and no one has to know that you’re trying to work off those calories. Complete and total privacy.

This pedometer is usually priced very reasonably, standing at an average price for a pedometer of this quality. Not too cheap, but not terribly pricey either.

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8. Mi Xiaomi Band 2

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Mi Xiaomi Band 2
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Starting off our final 3, we have our choice for #8, the Mi Xiaomi Band 2. The biggest difference between this pedometer and others is, obviously, the fact that the Xiaomi is an actual band, a wrist worn device that you wear all the time and can check as often as you want naturally. However, that isn’t all it has going for it.

Through the use of online data syncing, this pedometer not only keeps track of your progress but saves your overall progress online, so it doesn’t get lost every time the clock has to reset for data storage purposes. This way, you can keep track of your progress across weeks, and even months.

Making this pedometer a band was a truly genius move on the part of Xi. As you’re running, you can just naturally pick up your arm and look down at the pedometer to see how much progress you’ve been making. This makes this pedometer one of the most convenient on the list.

This Pedometer costs a little more than the average price in most retailers, but it still won’t break the bank by a long shot.

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9. Ozeri Pocket 3D

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Ozeri Pocket 3D
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In our second to the last spot, there’s the Ozeri Pocket 3D Pedometer. Unlike other Pedometers, this one is specifically designed to be used by high-end athletes during their training regiments. Now, does this pedometer actually deserve to be used by such prestigious athletes as it clearly wants so badly to be? Let’s find out.

This is easily the lightest and thinnest pedometer on this list. Barely weighing anything and thin enough to fit neatly into the watch pocket in an older pair of jeans, this pedometer will give you absolutely no trouble while using it.

A lot of Pedometers, this one included, are automatically activated when in motion, but sometimes that can backfire because they activate too soon, like when you set it down in a moving vehicle, and it jerks around. The patented motion lock technology of the Ozeri, on the other hand, keeps those unnecessary movements from kicking off your workout a bit too soon.

It’s actually surprising, given whom this pedometer is generally meant for, just how cheap this pedometer is. This thing is not expensive at all, no matter where you go for the price.

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10. Huabola Calyn

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Huabola Calyn
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Ending this list is the Huabola Calyn Simple Walking Digital Pedometer. And simple is more than apt when describing this pedometer, as it is the most bare-bones design featured on this list, consisting of little more than a screen and a single button. So, what does this pedometer actually have going on under the hood? Let’s find out.

This is one of the smallest pedometers on this list. Barely a few inches long or wide, this pedometer can fit between your index finger and thumb. This, of course, makes it ideal for when you don’t have a lot of portable storage space on your person.

You activate this pedometer by walking while carrying it for exactly 5 steps. You turn it off by setting it down and not moving it for a minute. Turning it on again is just as simple as turning it on the first time. No setup required, simply start walking and it will turn on for you.

The biggest downside for this pedometer is the price. Not that it’s pricey, not at all, but, it tends to be worth more than what it has to offer. Especially considering that other, more advanced pedometers, tend to cost much less.

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