Best Heating Pads Reviewed & Rated for Warmth

Standout Picks

Criteria Used for Evaluation
When talking about heating pads, one of the most important parts that must be discussed is how much area each entry actually covers. After all, muscles in pain can cause pain for a lot of the surrounding area, so judging where the pain is actually originating from can be tricky if you don’t know what you’re doing (and let’s face it, you really don’t).
As such, it’s best just to have a heating pad that covers as much area as possible in order to make sure that you get the problem area and remove it. Sore muscles are like kinked hoses: it’s a widespread problem, but one usually caused by a single source. And so, if you have a pad that covers a wide enough area, you’re bound to find that source and cause it to loosen up. However, sheer size is not the most important thing in the world.
Of course, the most important criteria surrounding the quality of a heating pad would be the heat generated by a said pad. The temperature tends to vary based on the kind of heating pad you have, but the estimated average is between 135-140 degrees Fahrenheit. This is enough heat needed to penetrate the skin and ease the tension out of your joints and muscles, but still gentle enough to not cook you alive.
So, we’ve covered the heat itself, but now we move onto the specific kind of heat actually being generated. When working with any kind of heating pad, you’re either going to get moist heat, dry heat, or a choice between the two. To go into more specifics, though:
Moist heat:
Moist heat is an intense heat that’s meant to penetrate deep into the skin to get right to the source of the pain. People love to use this version either occasionally, or even exclusively. And it’s easy to see why it’s easily the more thorough and effective of the two, but not always the most necessary. And considering that it’s basically the equivalent of putting a sauna on top of a single point on your body, it can get uncomfortable for some people.
Dry heat:
And then there’s moist heat’s little, more subtle minded twin brother; dry heat. Dry heat isn’t quite as intense as moist heat, but it is the most common and can be used for a wide range of aches and ailments. The main drawback, of course, is that it isn’t nearly as intense or as thorough, but it is a lot faster and more affordable an option.
Ease of Use
We imagine you’d really prefer not to have to deal with setting up your heating pad and getting it working while your joints are killing you. This is where ease of use comes into play. This refers to, quite simply, the ease of time you have trying to get the thing working. This won’t often be a problem for you, considering that heating pads are generally pretty idiot-proof. Even the ones that have a remote control with LED displays will more often than not be just a few buttons pushes to working properly. So, you should always be able to get your heating pad working, no matter what kind of setup you’re dealing with.
Normal heating pads get the job done just fine, but not everybody part that a heating pad can affect will be susceptible to the same kind of heating pad. Sometimes you need something a bit more focused on certain areas. How about, for instance, a heating pad that covers specifically your lower back? Or maybe you’re having neck problems. In that case, you need a heating pad that can wrap snugly around your neck and provide you full warmth.
There are a wide variety of different forms a heating pad can take, and this was a very important criterion for each entry to meet. In fact, the sheer number of different forms of heating pads provided is what gave our #1 spot the win. Yeah, the price was pretty insane, but it was completely justified by the amount of variety offered by the product. And the fact that each and everyone worked like a charm didn’t hurt either. Speaking of justifying prices, though.
Best Heating Pads
1. Nature Creation Herbal

Kicking off our list, we have the Nature Creation Herbal Heating Pad. Nature Creation makes a lot of herbal remedies, but in our opinion, this is among one of the best products they’ve ever put out in their company’s history. Proving the versatility of the heating pad when putting into the hands of the clever. So, what makes it so good? Let’s find out.
Multiple forms
The best thing about this heating pad, by far, is how many different forms it actually comes in. Heating pads work great, but a lot of them don’t cover the amount of area you might be feeling pain in, so the effectiveness thereof may be negatively affected as a result. Which is why this heating pad comes in multiple different forms including one for your entire upper body, one for your spine, and even one for your eyes.
But applying heat is only one part of the treatment. Another part is relaxing the body so that you aren’t so tense, which helps the heat pad actually do its job. Fortunately, this heating pad has a clever solution for this. Through the use of special herbs located inside the heating pad, this pad gives you an added aromatherapy treatment to the mix that makes it all the more effective.
Cost and Value
The big problem with this heating pad is the price. It should come as no surprise that such an advanced set of heating pads would be pricey, but it’s still a little more than people might be willing to pay for a simple heating pad.


Coming in second place, we have the PROALLER Heating Pad. Taking a big step back from the previous entry, we have a more traditional heating pad. Giving more of what is usually expected of such a device. What is expected of such a device, in that case? Let’s take a closer look to find out.
Fast heating
This heating pad doesn’t just heat you up; it heats you up fast. No more waiting up to ten minutes for the effects to actually set in. This heating pad will spread soothing warmth into wherever you’re putting it up against in seconds. And by stimulating the circulation of blood to the brain, this heating pad can provide relief from other ailments, including tension, headaches, and even chest pain.
Applicable anywhere
Don’t take the lack of variable types of pads with this product as an indication that there is a limited scope of use for this product, as that couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, you can apply this heating pad almost anywhere on the body, because it’s just big enough to be able to work on any surface of the body, no matter how wide, such as your back.
Cost and Value
Thankfully, we’re back to a much more reasonable price for this product. While the previous entry did justify its price tag with excellent service, it’s always good to have a product that doesn’t incinerate your budget on its own.

3. PureRelief XL

Finishing up our top three segment, we have the PureRelief XL King Size Heating Pad. As you can no doubt tell, this is the biggest single heating pad on our list yet. While there are comparable, even larger heating pads to come, this one is still tough to beat. But size isn’t everything, so let’s see what else this pad has actually to offer.
Super soft
You’re putting this pad against your body, and you’re expected to keep it there for a while for the effects to be long-lasting. So, it had better be comfortable if you’re going to keep it pressed against you. Fortunately, PureRelief agrees, and that’s why this heating pad is made from a super soft micro plush fabric that offers maximum comfort without reneging on the effectiveness of the product.
Moist or dry options
This heating pad comes with either moist or dry heat options, giving you complete control over the kinds of heat you have. There comes a time when you need a nice, soothing moist heat running through your body like you’re in a sauna. And sometimes you need a rough, dry heat to really work at those aches and pains, without having to deal with that slimy feeling you get from moist heat. This heating pad offers you both options, at 6 different temperature settings.
Cost and Value
While a bit more expensive than the previous entry, this heating pad is still pretty affordable, at least by the standards set by the first entry on this list.

4. Geniani XL

Coming in at #4, we have the Geniani XL Heating Pad. Another large-sized heating pad, though not quite as large as the previous entry, this heating pad is considered one of the top names in comfortable heating pad technology. So, what gives this praise such confidence? Let’s find out.
Adjustable heat
Heat is a funny, fickle thing. It needs to be applied to sore muscles directly, in order for those sore muscles to be relieved by the soothing heat. However, not every heat is equal, and not every temperature is right for the job, which is why this heating pad has three different, adjustable temperature settings.
Microplush fibers
Once more, we have the super soft fabric known as micro plush making up the fibers of this heating pad. Giving you maximum comfort coupled with effectiveness. So, you don’t have to worry about a lack of comfort while you’re using this heating pad.
Cost and Value
Taking a step back from the previous entry in terms of price, we have a far more affordable heating pad, that’s the same size and made from the same materials. So, we’d honestly call this the better deal of the two.

5. Sunbeam Microplush

For our #5 spot, we chose the Sunbeam Microplush Electric Heating Pad. The main difference between this and other entries beforehand is the fact that it’s electric instead of being powered by batteries. So, you’d best get comfy because you gotta stay in one place while this heating pad stays plugged into the wall. However, this brings with it a few benefits.
Easy to care for
The biggest benefit of having this heating pad is that cleanup is a breeze. Its fiber allows for stains to come out incredibly easily, and it’s also machine washable, so you don’t have to break out the dishrag every time someone spills a drink all over it.
Convenient features
Since you have to sit down and wait for this thing to work for you, a major inconvenience all on its own, it stands to reason that this heating pad would need other, more convenient features to balance things out better. Which is why this heating pad is equipped with an easy to operate LED controller, 4 different heat settings, and a 2-hour shut off feature for safety.
Cost and Value
This entry is a little bit expensive, but nothing too bad. It’s on the more expensive end of the average price for what we expect from this list as average.

6. Sunbeam XPressHeat

Coming in 6th place on our list, we have another Sunbeam product, with the Sunbeam XPressHeat Electric Heating Pad. At first glance, it likely seems identical to the previous entry, seeing as how they were made by the same company. But taking a closer look, you’ll soon see that there is more to this than meets the eye.
Superior heat speed
We’ve seen plenty of heating pads on this list so far that have been able to heat themselves up faster than your average heating pad. But this one takes it even further than that, by heating up to maximum capacity (depending on what setting you have it at, mind you) in less than 30 seconds. That is triple the speed of every other entry on this list.
Select hour shut off
It’s always nice to have an automatic shut off feature, but sometimes you need relief for longer than a heating pad is willing to give you. In this case, you go for this pad, which gives you the ability to choose how long you want the heating pad to be operational before automatically turning off.
Cost and Value
Like the previous entry, this heating pad lives on the latter end of average for heating pad prices. As such, it isn’t exactly pricey, but it’s high enough that some might consider it a bit too high for their needs, which is an important distinction.

7. BodyMed

For the #7 spot, we have the BodyMed Digital Moist Heating Pad. BodyMed is considered to be the more professional, medically leaning member of the heating pad family. And are definitely the kind that a doctor might recommend you use if you report your pain to them. So, what makes it so good? Let’s find out.
No water required
With a moist heating pad, you usually have to fill a special compartment inside it with water before being able to use the moist heating option, or sometimes just to use the thing period. However, this heating pad gets around that problem by producing its own moisture from the humidity in the air. And there is always humidity in the air, even if you don’t feel it as much, so this pad always works.
Lockout ability
Since this is a more medical device than the previous ones or the ones afterward, it’s thus not exactly the kind of heating pad you want anyone to be touching while treatment is underway, which is why this heating pad comes equipped with a lockout feature, which you can use to lock out unwanted users while treatment is being performed.
Cost and Value
Of course, you don’t become such a professionally regarded heating pad without costing a pretty penny. In fact, were it not for the first entry, this would be the priciest on the list so far.

8. Sunbeam Renue

Kicking off our final three entries, we return to Sunbeam one last time for the Sunbeam Renue Neck and Shoulder Heating Wrap. As the name suggests, this is meant to be specifically applied to the neck and shoulders to soothe aches and pains around that area. So how does it measure up to the more versatile entries on this list? Let’s find out.
Magnetic clasp
The main problem with heating wraps like this is that the neck and shoulders don’t exactly make for the most secure of mounts. Leading to other heating wraps just to fall right off. Unless, of course, they’re like the Renue, which is equipped with a magnetic clasp that keeps it in place on your shoulders.
Soothing heat therapy where you need it
If you’re a writer, typist, programmer, or someone else who works by sitting hunched over a computer desk all day, then you definitely need some kind of soothing remedy for your neck and shoulders. Which is why this heating wrap mainlines soothing heat directly into those vital areas. You’ll be surprised just how good it feels to have the muscles in your neck and shoulders loosened up.
Cost and Value
We take a step or two back from the price of the previous entry, to have a more affordable heating wrap for this spot.

9. Hot to Go Reusable

For our second to the final entry, we have something a bit different this time around, with the Hot to Go Reusable Heat Packs. These are the heating pads you use when the regular kind is too big or bulky for the specific circumstance you find yourself in. These are small, portable heating pads meant for quick, convenient relief. And while that certainly has its drawbacks, let’s take a look at some of its strengths.
Reusable and convenient
We should start with the biggest benefit that these pads offer: their convenience. Indeed, no more folding up and taking up half the space in your luggage like with other pads, these take up laughably little space in your luggage and are easy to start using. And don’t worry about putting it in the microwave or anything like that, just bend the internal disk and presto.
The small size that these things offer you lends them to another major benefit in their favor: versatility. Don’t have any problem areas at the moment? Use them as hand warmers on a ski trip. From your hands to your shoulders, to your neck, you can enjoy convenient warmth in a variety of ways, for a variety of different areas.
Cost and Value
These warmers are prices very average, though that mostly has to do with the fact that they come in sets of four each. Bought individually, you’ll find these to be the cheapest entries on the entire list.


Finishing up our list, we have the MARNUR XL Electric Heating Pad. Our #10 spot may seem like the most average heating pad we could find, and indeed, it isn’t exactly a looker. But like with other entries on this list, one need only look closer to find the many qualities it has underneath. So, with that said, let’s close out this list by doing precisely that.
Comfy heat
Heating pads need to walk a delicate tightrope when it comes to the heat they put off. They need to be hot enough actually to be effective, but not so hot that you actively feel like you’re cooking. And the line between those two points is thinner than you may think, especially over longer periods of time. Fortunately, this is a line that this heating pad walks pretty well, achieving a comfy heat that isn’t too hot but is just hot enough to get the job done right.
Full body use
This is one of the largest heating pads on the entire list, with a measurement of 12 X 24 inches, allowing for various uses across the entire body. If you want to use it as a heated blanket, you can, a heated mattress, you can do that too. From the neck to the shoulders, to everything down below, this heating pad handles it all.
Cost and Value
This is one of the cheapest entries on the entire list, if not the cheapest. The only entry that outranks it is the previous one, and only by a technicality. But other than that, this is the best deal on the entire list.

- Benefits of Heat Therapy for Lower Back Pain, Webpage ,
- Heat For Pain , Webpage ,