Best Saddle Pads Reviewed & Rated for Quality

Standout Picks

Criteria Used for Evaluation
When looking into purchasing a saddle pad, the best line of defense you have is knowledge. Knowing how to fit your saddle properly will better improve the riding experience for both you and your horse. If this is your first time purchasing the gear you need to ride, we recommend seeking professional help to be sure your saddle fits the horse accordingly.
Some will argue the point that the saddle pad serves the purpose of aiding in the fit of the saddle. This is only true to a point, thinking of it in a different way can help you understand a separate way of thinking. Say you have a pair of work boots that are snug fitting, then you slap on a pair of thick wool socks. How do you think these boots will feel on your feet now? Well, the same theory can be applied to a saddle and pad combination for a horse. When the saddle is snug, you don’t want to add a thick pad underneath.
Straight: This pad shape is the most common one, seen more often than most. A straight pad is simply a rectangle shape with no extra cushion or curves. This type of pad best serves a horse that has a straight, more normal shaped back. For those familiar with horse terminology, this pad shape is well suited for a horse with mutton-withers. To familiarize some with the terminology mutton-withers, the withers of a horse is the shoulder area of the horse. The term mutton refers to them being flat.
Contour: The contoured pad works well for a horse that has high withers, with a dip in the back to follow. This design will reduce the amount of pressure carried in the area of the shoulders. Giving the horse a more comfortable saddle fit, as well as balance.
Cutout: A cutout saddle pad is closely related to the straight-shaped pad. These can be found to be round or square in shape but will have an area that has been cut-out. This cut-out section is found to reduce the irritation to the withers of a horse by eliminating the amount of pressure on the area.
Round: A horse with a back that is considered to be short, a round saddle pad can do wonders for them. Since the edges of the pad have been rounded, they tend to cause less restriction to the movements of the horse.
Sway-Back: Swayback for a horse means that just past the shoulder blades the back of the horse will dip. A sway-Back saddle pad will help support and compensate for this issue. A sway-back pad will add height in the area of the withers, while offering added cushioning in the middle of the pad. This will give the saddle a more level position for riding.
Wither Relief: Designed for a horse with very high withers, this type of saddle pad will keep the saddle off of the withers by adding a slightly lifted area. It will also slightly resemble the cutout style saddle pad.
Fleece: This material is the most used material for saddle pads. It can mop up the sweat of the horse while providing a decent amount of cushion. It has been noted that with use, a fleece pad can lose some of its level of cushioning due to compression.
Felt: A felt pad is actually made from wool that has been compressed. They do a fantastic job absorbing shock for the horse while defending against heat build up. Some riders will use a felt pad for a saddle that doesn’t quite fit the way they need it to.
Neoprene: A saddle pad made from neoprene will reduce the chance of slipping. This is due to the pattern used on the bottom of the pad. Made to act as a rubber, these are waterproof, yet breathable at the same time. Many riders will choose this type of pad just for the amount of durability it holds.
Foam: Here we have two choices to look at. There are the open-celled foam pads, these are breathable and can mold to the shape of the horse over time. They will also have a softer feel to them. Closed-cell foam pads are slightly more firm than that of its counterpart. It has been said that the closed-cell foam has more anti-bacterial properties as well. Both are found with a cover normally made from nylon.
Cotton: Typically the pads that are made from cotton, are said to be the most basic form of a pad. These can be found with added pockets, for you to add some inserts. The inserts are to help adjust the fit of the saddle for the horse’s comfort.
Overall Fit
With the ever-changing times, saddle pads have greatly evolved in the area of looks. With changes to materials used to cover the pads, you can surely find one that will suit your sense of style. some will come with what seems to be all the bells and whistles to make it as flashy as possible. Just be sure that your number one reason for choosing the saddle pad is the comfort of your horse. After all the horse is the one that has to wear the saddle pad, not you. I can assure you that your horse doesn’t give a toot about fashion.
1. TuffRider Basics

A saddle pad that has gotten back to the basics with their design. This saddle pad offers your horse protection while pleasing you with the color choices.
Basic Design
Made to offer the horse the protection it needs from the saddle, this saddle pad has a relatively basic style design. No fancy features to worry about, as this saddle pad won't have any.
Color Choices
Although your horse won't care what color the saddle pad is, you might. Maybe you want a flashy color to show off with. You can even be more practical, choosing a color that will be easier to maintain.
Cost and Value
The protective padding your horse needs, at a price that you can be happy with. Choose a color that looks great or stick with something more traditional. The choice for color and the comfort of your horse are up to you.

2. Kavallerie

This saddle pad can give you the riding experience you have been missing all along. Improving the relationship between your saddle and your horse. Your horse will thank you for a saddle pad like this one.
Back Protection
Designed to absorb the shock during your ride, this saddle pad can improve your riding experience for both you and your horse. Intended to mold to the shape of your horse, the pad eliminates the soreness in the horses back.
You don't have to worry about your saddle slipping and sliding while you ride. The low-profile style of the pad will keep the saddle still. This will prevent the sores that can plague a horse due to friction.
Cost and Value
When you are willing to spend a little more money, you will get a more trusted saddle pad. Made from quality materials, with the safety of the horse being number one on the list.

3. Diamond Wool

Next comes a saddle pad that is made to work as hard as your horse. Made from a material that can withstand plenty of punishment. You can be sure that using this saddle pad will benefit you as well as your horse.
At the area of the withers of your horse, there can be some issues with pain and sensitivity. This saddle pad has a built-in relief for the wither area of your horse. Doing away with the discomfort a horse can experience during a ride.
Made from a compressed wool, this saddle pad can absorb the blows to a horse during rigorous activity levels. Another great value to this wool pad, it can be used to offset a saddle when the fit is slightly off.
Cost and Value
With so many benefits for your horse, this pad can become a valuable asset to your horse riding gear. As for the cost, well you will have to pay the price for high-quality riding gear.

4. Equine Comfort Products

You can adjust this saddle pad to the changes your horse will go through. This saddle pad will have many great benefits for the health of your horse. A pad such as this one will stick around for future rides to come.
With this saddle pad comes the ability to change the way it sits and fits with the saddle. There are pockets that hold shims, these shims can be removed or replaced according to the changes your horse will go through.
Air Flow
The top of the saddle is designed to allow air to circulate under the pad. Which in turn will reduce the amount of sweating your horse will do. Which is great for the horse, as the less the horse sweats, the less the risk of getting sores.
Cost and Value
This saddle pad is packed with benefits for the cost of the saddle. Keeping the health of your horse at the top of the list right as it should be. You can control the fit by adding or removing the shims of the pad. Making sure you get the perfect fit at all times.

5. Classic Equine

The next pad on the list offers the perfect place for saddles, even with high withered horses. Filling in the gaps when other saddles pads just didn't cut the mustard.
Saddle Fit
You can be sure that this pad can help to compensate for the high wither area of your horse. Offering enough padding, that your saddle will rest properly. Reducing the amount of discomfort and stress to your horse.
Easy to Clean
With a regular routine for maintaining your saddle pad, you can ensure that the pad will last for rides to come. You can be sure that the materials used to create this saddle pad are easy to clean and keep them that way.
Cost and Value
Coming in as one of the more pricey options on our list, one must ask themselves if this will be within their budget. In the event that it is, you will not be disappointed with this purchase.

6. Derby Originals

A saddle pad option that can be used for all your horseback riding needs. Whether for work or for play, this saddle pad can make a lasting impression on both you and your horse.
Storage Pocket
For those long rides or even longer workdays, a rider might need a little extra storage space. Perfect for this is the smaller sized pocket toward the back of the saddle pad. You can set your car keys in the pocket or maybe even your afternoon snack.
The Fit
To keep your horse comfortable and cool all at once, this saddle pad has a few tricks up its sleeves. The inside is partially lined with fleece, which will reduce the amount of sweating. Not only that, but the fleece adds a certain level of comfort as well.
Cost and Value
Whether you're riding your horse for work reasons or for a good time with friends, this saddle pad will please your horse the entire time you are riding. As a bonus, there is a pocket for you to use as storage.

7. Back on Track

Next, we come to a saddle ad that offers your horse a little therapy while it is on. This can keep your horse happy, making your riding experience more memorable.
For muscle support, this saddle pad has its own heating therapeutic properties to it. Promoting muscle health, as well as reducing the amount of soreness the horse will feel.
Increase to Blood Flow
The warming effect of the saddle pad tends to keep the blood of the horse pumping, which aids in the recovery time for the horse. Reducing the residual soreness in the muscles of the horse.
and Value
This saddle pad acts as a heating pad, therefore aiding in reducing the amount of soreness your horse will feel in their muscles. Using heat to promote blood flow, which cuts the time it takes for the horse to recover. These two qualities alone will set this pad apart from the others.

8. Southwestern Equine

A saddle pad made from materials such as this can have lasting effects on the horse. Keeping them comfortable, while you enjoy your ride through the trails. You are sure to find one that best fits your saddle needs.
Health Benefits
This saddle pad is made from wool, which has its very own cooling and moisture wicking properties. So you can be sure that the horse's body temperature will remain regulated throughout the length of the ride.
Depending on the size of your saddle, there are plenty of options for both size and thickness available. You can choose the size that will better suit the needs of you and your horse.
Cost and Value
Here we have another amazingly qualified choice for a saddle pad. That is one of the reasons for the higher price tag. You will learn rather quickly, that skimping on the cost of your riding equipment will get you nowhere in the long run.

9. Roma F.C.

This saddle pad can function well no matter what you are using it for. As we all know, fashion won't be on the top of your horse's list. But that doesn't mean that your horse doesn't need to look nice.
Basic Design
Designed to do as saddle pads have been intended to do for years. This one will protect the horse during all types of activities. Horses will need something between them and the saddle, that is exactly where this saddle pad comes into play.
Sharp Looking
With the two-tone color design, it will add some style to the look of your horse. The color contrast of the stitching adds a neat looking appearance to the saddle pad.
Cost and Value
This saddle pad does its job without all the fancy things added to it. It has proven that even the simplest of designs can be functional and fashionable at the same time.

10. Weaver Leather

Our last saddle pad on the list isn't last because it has nothing to offer. Instead, think of it this way, someone had to go last. In this case, we may have even saved the best saddle pad for last.
Moisture Wicking
For this saddle pad, there was no expense spared, using Merino wool to line the underside of the pad. Merino wool is known for adding comfort to the pad while keeping the sweat off the horse.
To add to the many great aspects of this saddle pad, it has been coated with a protective layer. This layer adds a level of resistance to both mold and mildew, which in turn can lower the rate at which your horse will catch looming illnesses.
Cost and Value
Once you have used this saddle pad, you will see just how beneficial it can be. Upon figuring this out for your self, you will not even bat an eye at the overall cost of the pad. With so many benefits, the value of this pad far exceeds the cost.