Best Electronic Game Calls Reviewed and Tested

In a Hurry? Editors choice:
Western Rivers 75R
Test Winner: Western Rivers 75R
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Among all of the tools and gizmos that you bring with you though before you go out hunting, one of the most important ones to bring along with you is your hunting game call. A hunting game call allows you to attract the type of animal that you’re going after, and although some people out there don’t see these to be all that necessary, they can sometimes mean the difference between you coming home empty-handed or with a nice juicy animal to feed your family with. And while the purchase of an electronic game call might seem like a simple venture on the surface, the reality of the matter is anything but. There’s an entire host of different factors and bits of info to take into consideration to help you make the most informed purchase possible, and that’s what we’re here to accomplish today.

Standout Picks

ICOtec GC300 Electronic Game Call
Number one on our list of electronic game calls is the ICOtex GC300. The GC300 is a more affordable version of the GC350 that we will look at later on in the list. However, even though it is cheaper, it still has a lot of the same features included. For starters, the GC300 comes equipped with 12 pre-installed sounds out of the box, a 300-yard range for controlling the call even when it isn’t within your line of sight, and an extremely easy to use interface that should be easy to understand for just about anybody out there.
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Primos Alpha Dogg Electronic Game Call
This is yet another great electronic game call option. This Alpha Dogg electronic game call is made by Primos. Later on in our list, we will cover another one from Primos. This is a company that knows how to make a hunting call that is truly high-end and durable. The materials used to create the Alpha Dogg are some of the best around, and as a result feature durability you’re that is almost unmatched.
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Western Rivers 75R Electronic Game Call
The Western Rivers 75R electronic game caller has 75 pre-loaded calls, which is a crazy impressive number considering that some of the other electronic calls on here featured fewer calls for more money. The pivoting legs that are included allow you to lock the call into position once you’ve found the perfect spot for it. The 4-way keypad allows you to easily select the call and volume that you desire at the time.
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Primos Turbo Dogg Electronic Game Call
If you are looking for a high-end option, this Primos Turbo Dogg is a great option. It offers up high-end, expensive calls that you can rely on. Primos is one of the most recognizable brands in this field, so you can rest easy knowing that this product comes from a company with years upon years of experience with this line of work and craftsmanship. This game call produces a long-reaching sound. It’s long-range remote is easy to use, too.
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iHunt Electronic Game Call
For our 5th spot, we have the iHunt Ultimate Electronic Game Call & Bluetooth Speaker Combo, a unique piece that makes hunting a little bit more accurate and even fun. When it comes to electronic gaming you want to consider going the easier route. Going the easier route allows you to spend more time calling game towards you then having to spend a large amount of time figuring out where they are situated. The iHunt allows you to do just that while being versatile, easy and efficient.
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Cass Creek Ergo Game Call
The Cass Creek electronic game call is capable of producing the calls of many different types of animals. The design featured here is a bit more compact than the Wildgame Innovations option we will show you, and the included belt clip is a nice addition for keeping the call close with you at all times.
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Primos Hunting Speak Easy Game Call
If you are the type of hunter that sets your eyes on one prey one day and wants to switch it up the next, now you can. With the Primos Hunting Speak Easy Electronic Predator Calling System, you can have all of your calls in one device. Traditionally, hunters have had to make sure that they’ve got one specific call for every kind of animal out there. While there’s nothing inherently wrong with this, it can prove to be a bit of a pain to ensure that you keep tabs of where all of your different calls are located. The innovative design of this call is quite impressive and keeps everything in one spot.
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Primos Hunting Speak Easy Electronic Game Call
The Extreme Dimension Wildlife Calls are a great means of mimicking predators. The Extreme Dimension comes with a Bluetooth speaker named XSB Moose Bluetooth speaker made by iHunt. The lone speaker enhanced to work together with the Moose Game Call application from iHunt is the iHunt XSB Bluetooth loudspeaker, which you can get by not paying a dime with the speaker. The Extreme Dimension Wildlife boasts over 50 great Moose calls that is sure to bring in those bulls close.
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FOXPRO Inferno Electronic Game Call
The FOXPRO Inferno electronic game call comes with attached high-quality sounds of up to 75 together with an advanced remote control that offers a unique FoxBang technology. It also weighs in a mere 1.5 lbs. which is lightweight enough to carry easily to do the task you desire: hunting without unnecessary weight and distractions. The Inferno also comes with batteries. Which is different than a few others on this list.
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FOXPRO Shockwave Electronic Game Call
Last but not least, we have the FOXPRO Shockwave, a gaming caller that is here to make a difference. This gaming device is one of a kind. It's not only versatile but its everything you would want from a gaming speaker. Created to always trigger a response from an animal nearby this speaker offers a 4-speaker system. What this means is no matter where you are or what sound you decide to play there will be a natural tune coming from your speaker.
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Criteria Used for Evaluation


Price is the first thing we looked at, which is a great way to determine value when comparing products with similar features. When looking at the top five products, you’ll notice that they all have a killer feature that separates them from the rest of the pack. We used pricing to remove any duplicate products on the list that didn’t offer anything special but had a higher price. The results were good and helped us find early standouts while organizing the top ten.

Ease of Use

The next thing that caught our eye was ease of use. This was split into two sections, with the first being out of the box use. Products were graded on how well they instructed the consumer to use their features. Ideally, a good product would have you up and running in a matter of minutes with its core features.

The second part of ease of use had to do with advanced users. Were the advanced features worth it for buyers that took the time to learn? With time, we felt that all users should be able to fully make use of the advanced features. This is where some products dropped, as their advanced features proved too difficult and were not worth the extra effort.


Durability was the next criterion and covered the main unit and any associated remote controls. There were no surprises here, as all of the products proved they were made for the hazards of the outdoors. There wasn’t a lot of movement when looking at this criterion, even when measuring the toughness of the remote controls. We saw some changes when we added ‘longevity’ as a key criterion to match up with durability. A lot of products on the list were rated higher for years of use, which is important when you consider the electrical components.


Brands are something we looked at, this time with a focus on customer service. This criteria ties in with ease of use and shows a company’s willingness to help customers when they were stuck with a feature. Not all customers call in for help, so to keep things balanced we also rated how easy the company made self-help guides available online. Primos was a big standout in this category by offering both old and new product information when needed. And if necessary, they had the best customer support of any product on the list.

Advanced Features

Styling was a criterion that we solely based on camo, so any of the products that were not in this category simply didn’t get points. For purposes of blending in, a quality camo casing is required. Some products did this better than others and really looked like a part of the environment they were placed in.

Styling doesn’t get as much recognition as it deserves for electronic game callers. When the main unit has to be placed in a remote location, blending in with the background can change how the game reacts when approaching it. And if you’ve equipped it with a compatible decoy, then you’ve instantly gained an extra few seconds.

10 Best Electronic Game Calls 

1. ICOtec GC300

Where to buy
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ICOtec GC300 Electronic Game Call
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Number one on our list of electronic game calls is the ICOtex GC300. The GC300 is a more affordable version of the GC350 that we will look at later on in the list. However, even though it is cheaper, it still has a lot of the same features included. For starters, the GC300 comes equipped with 12 pre-installed sounds out of the box, a 300-yard range for controlling the call even when it isn’t within your line of sight, and an extremely easy to use interface that should be easy to understand for just about anybody out there.

Many animal calls in one device
This electronic game call features 12 different calls. Making it the perfect choice for those who like to hunt multiple game types.

This electronic call is powered by batteries and comes with a year warranty. This makes it perfect for on-the-go because you don’t have to worry about charging it with an electrical outlet and cord.

Cost and Value

If you’re on the hunt for an extremely durable electric call that won’t put you over your budget, ICOtec has created a real winner with the GC300.

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2. Primos Alpha Dogg

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Primos Alpha Dogg Electronic Game Call
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This is yet another great electronic game call option. This Alpha Dogg electronic game call is made by Primos. Later on in our list, we will cover another one from Primos. This is a company that knows how to make a hunting call that is truly high-end and durable. The materials used to create the Alpha Dogg are some of the best around, and as a result feature durability you’re that is almost unmatched.

Pre-installed calls
There are 64 calls that come pre-installed on the Alpha Dogg out of the box. It also features included that deliver a crisp and true-to-life sound.

Long-range sound
The speakers are able to deliver sound up to 180-degrees. This allows for some of the crispest and realistic sound that you will find in an included pair of speakers for a hunting call.

Cost and Value
The initial price certainly is a bit on the higher end of things, but when you consider all of the features that this thing comes with, you’re actually getting a pretty incredible value for everything that’s included with the Primos Alpha Dogg.

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3. Western Rivers 75R

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Western Rivers 75R Electronic Game Call
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The Western Rivers 75R electronic game caller has 75 pre-loaded calls, which is a crazy impressive number considering that some of the other electronic calls on here featured fewer calls for more money. The pivoting legs that are included allow you to lock the call into position once you’ve found the perfect spot for it. The 4-way keypad allows you to easily select the call and volume that you desire at the time.

Easy to operate
Numerous reviews have praised this for being one of the easiest calls to operate, so if that’s something of importance to you, you’ll definitely want to take some serious consideration into picking this one up.

Compact design
For the features that this electronic game call does have, it is all in a fairly compact design that is easy to pack up and take along with you.

Cost and Value
While this Western Rivers 75R electronic game caller may not be as feature-packed as some of the other options on this list, it’s still quite impressive for the price that you pay. The dollar amount is higher than what you’d get with a traditional call, but when you consider the fact that there are a whopping 75 included calls on this little guy, it becomes hard to think of a reason as to why you wouldn’t purchase this thing

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4. Primos Turbo Dogg

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Primos Turbo Dogg Electronic Game Call
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If you are looking for a high-end option, this Primos Turbo Dogg is a great option. It offers up high-end, expensive calls that you can rely on. Primos is one of the most recognizable brands in this field, so you can rest easy knowing that this product comes from a company with years upon years of experience with this line of work and craftsmanship. This game call produces a long-reaching sound. It’s long-range remote is easy to use, too.

Durable design
All of the materials used to create the Primos Turbo are made up out of some of the best materials you’ll find, meaning that it should prove to be one of the most rugged and durable hunting calls that money can buy. No need to worry about this one getting knocked around a bit.

Pre-installed calls
There are 36 total sounds that come out of the box, and there are even 4 preprogrammed Expert Hunts on the Turbo Dogg as well.

Cost and Value
This Primos Turbo Dogg is durable and reliable. It comes very reputable and is one of the most reliable electronic calls out there. It is easy to use and high-quality for the price.

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5. iHunt

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iHunt Electronic Game Call
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For our 5th spot, we have the iHunt Ultimate Electronic Game Call & Bluetooth Speaker Combo, a unique piece that makes hunting a little bit more accurate and even fun. When it comes to electronic gaming you want to consider going the easier route. Going the easier route allows you to spend more time calling game towards you then having to spend a large amount of time figuring out where they are situated. The iHunt allows you to do just that while being versatile, easy and efficient.

Excellent Sound Quality
There is no point in having an electronic gaming system if you do not have good sound quality. What differentiates this gaming system from some of the rest is that it’s an actual Bluetooth speaker. By having a speaker as part of your gaming system you are ensured crystal clear sound. You will be getting an exceptional sound which in return will ensure you attract even the furthest game on sight.

Used with an App
Instead of having to figure out how to use your speaker, you can use the app. By coming with an app this electronic gaming brings forth an easier form of usage. There are no complicated instructions to read, no crazy adjustments to make, or any difficult buttons to press. With 750 game calls, you are getting quality, log activity, a 50-yard wireless connection, and a flashlight app to help you have everything you need on hand.

Cost & Value
When it comes to the cost and value of this item, you are getting an exceptional price. Not only is the item on sale but you are getting an intuitive app that helps make the item easy to use, manage and comprehend. Perfect for new and well-advanced hunters who want to add to their collection.

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6. Cass Creek Ergo

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Cass Creek Ergo Game Call
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The Cass Creek electronic game call is capable of producing the calls of many different types of animals. The design featured here is a bit more compact than the Wildgame Innovations option we will show you, and the included belt clip is a nice addition for keeping the call close with you at all times.

Handheld easy-to-use design
Featured on this handheld electronic game call is a very convenient on and off button with a thumb dial. Although the 5 included calls are certainly less impressive than the numerous found on the previous calls, this is to be expected considering the lower price of the Cass Creekcall.

Battery-powered device
This electronic game call runs on three AAA batteries, making it easy to take along with you without cords. This call will keep powered the whole time you need it.

Cost and Value
The majority of the reviews for this call are overwhelmingly positive. You can certainly get something a bit higher-end if you’re willing to hand over a few extra dollars, but if you’re trying to keep things as affordable as possible, this is an excellent way to go.

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7. Primos Hunting Speak Easy

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Primos Hunting Speak Easy Game Call
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If you are the type of hunter that sets your eyes on one prey one day and wants to switch it up the next, now you can. With the Primos Hunting Speak Easy Electronic Predator Calling System, you can have all of your calls in one device. Traditionally, hunters have had to make sure that they’ve got one specific call for every kind of animal out there. While there’s nothing inherently wrong with this, it can prove to be a bit of a pain to ensure that you keep tabs of where all of your different calls are located. The innovative design of this call is quite impressive and keeps everything in one spot.

Easy to hang onto
This electronic game call features an ergonomic grip to make it as comfortable as possible to hold in your hand, branch, tree-stand or even your backpack. Thanks to the rubber-coated lanyard, you can ensure that you’ve always got a solid hold on it no matter where you are.

Various calls
While those features on their own are impressive in their own right, perhaps the most notable aspect about this call is the fact that it is actually able to reproduce 6 different types of calls. The speaker found on the call is considerably loud and very high quality and is actually quite a bit louder than you may expect.

Cost and Value

Among the other calls on this list, this one from Primos is moderately priced, won’t take your budget and still offers features to enjoy and be proud of. It offers comfort and variety in calls, all making it a bang for the buck.

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8. Extreme Dimension Wildlife Calls

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Primos Hunting Speak Easy Electronic Game Call
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The Extreme Dimension Wildlife Calls are a great means of mimicking predators. The Extreme Dimension comes with a Bluetooth speaker named XSB Moose Bluetooth speaker made by iHunt. The lone speaker enhanced to work together with the Moose Game Call application from iHunt is the iHunt XSB Bluetooth loudspeaker, which you can get by not paying a dime with the speaker. The Extreme Dimension Wildlife boasts over 50 great Moose calls that is sure to bring in those bulls close.

Loud speaker
The speaker is really loud, with a sound of up to 100dB. The iHunt Moose application will be given to you after you purchase Extreme Dimension Wildlife. You can turn your Smartphone or iPhone into the vital electronic moose call, which makes it absolutely easy to take with you anytime and anywhere.

Protective rubber strip
It comes with a shock-resistant rubber strip. These rubber strips protect your device against drops or any other form of danger.

Cost and Value

This call connects via Bluetooth to your smartphone through the iHunt Moose app, making it valuable and a little less costly than others on the list because all you have to do is purchase the call and an app and you’re good to go.

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9. FOXPRO Inferno

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FOXPRO Inferno Electronic Game Call
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The FOXPRO Inferno electronic game call comes with attached high-quality sounds of up to 75 together with an advanced remote control that offers a unique FoxBang technology. It also weighs in a mere 1.5 lbs. which is lightweight enough to carry easily to do the task you desire: hunting without unnecessary weight and distractions. The Inferno also comes with batteries. Which is different than a few others on this list.

Additional speaker jack
The FOXPRO Inferno electronic game call features a speaker jack that allows you to attach an additional peripheral speaker to it. This gives you more volume if necessary.

Easy-to-use remote control
The remote control is not complex to use while you steer through sound types. The FOXPRO Inferno remote has two fixed buttons, volume up, and volume down, a mute button and offers much more.

Cost and Value
The FOXPRO Inferno electronic gaming call comes with a compact design which gives you good value for your money. This item is a real bargain at its price and it offers maximum convenience with great sound and volume attributes.

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10. FOXPRO Shockwave

Where to buy
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FOXPRO Shockwave Electronic Game Call
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Last but not least, we have the FOXPRO Shockwave, a gaming caller that is here to make a difference. This gaming device is one of a kind. It's not only versatile but its everything you would want from a gaming speaker. Created to always trigger a response from an animal nearby this speaker offers a 4-speaker system. What this means is no matter where you are or what sound you decide to play there will be a natural tune coming from your speaker.

Manipulate Sound
Unlike many other gaming speakers that offer a specific sound or have a notion of prerecorded animal noises, this one plays a twist on sounds. By playing a twist on well-known sounds you are getting a more authentic play. Essentially, this speaker works hard at mimicking the sounds of prey moving through the woods for an elevated approach. To create that classic sound of moving pray the speakers send out a burst of sound waves with a fading effect so it truly does sound as if something is moving through the shrubs. You could even fuse two sounds for a little bit of a twist.

100 Preloaded Sounds
This particular gaming caller comes with 100 preloaded sounds that were created to be as authentic to wild animals as possible. Furthermore, you can download up to 1000 different sounds. Due to that feature, this item has the capacity of manipulating the “pitch” of any sound to create the most alluring call possible.

Cost & Value
As for the cost and value, this is quite an expensive item. Though you are getting the best of the very best and with excellent features, the price is on the higher end. If you are seeking a quality product and can afford it, this item is a top contender as it does offer everything you want and need in one single device.

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  1. ANDREW MCKEAN, Budget Coyote Callers,
  2. Editing Team, Coyote Calls 2018,
  3. Big Ben, Electronic Coyote Calls,