Tips to Find Big Early Season Bucks

Hunting professionals have to find the right avenue to track their prey as they prepare for the annual pursuit of the big early season bucks. While tips to find big early season bucks are becoming recognizable, outlining these can help several hunters make a big kill.
Whether you are a professional hunter or an armchair one, you will find a few hints here that can impact on your hunting success rate. The grazing lands across the country are widespread and readily available for hunting of all shades of animals.
The end of summer provides buck hunters with the early season opening that many cannot take for granted. This is the legal entry that hunters have to begin their chase of the big whitetail. Those who had a good harvest of the big bucks in the previous year have reminiscences to enjoy while new entrants look forward in hope of an inaugural success.
Tricks to use
1. The Farther, the better
Several hunters have to grapple with colleagues who pour out onto public lands for their hunting spree. In view of this, the periphery of the wild is without doubt, always thronged on all sides. This reduces your probability of spotting the big bucks, and making a kill here is substantially reduced.
You need to keep in mind that having a successful hunting spree will take you far into the wild, away from the easy roadsides. You will have to transverse swamps, rivers and lakes, to get close to the sanctuary of the antlers.
This is where it is important to say that canoes, kayaks and waders, can come in handy so that you can forage far into the wild. Swampy patches are not attractive to many hunters as they are not easily navigated but they are better spots to find the big bucks.
2. The food source
Animals have a survival instinct like humans, and they will reach for food with all they have got. In the early days of the hunting season, the deer will hunt for food desperately as they need all they can get at this time. Part of the instinct is that they need to feed to the full so they can gain optimal weight. When this is achieved, the deer is able to wade through the harsh winter months that are characterized by poor food supplies.
The attraction during the early season for the deer varies according to the vegetation of the particular locality. The agricultural practices in that region are also a determining factor as this will impact on the kind of crop varieties that will be prevalent.
Pin oaks, water, palmetto berries and soybean, are all attractive to the deer. However, as September closes, soybeans are the main attraction but palmetto berries take over in late October, as they ripen. The prevalence of the crops depends on whether the region is largely coastal or deep inland.
As a hunter marking out hunting tracts for the early season, wherever the apple crops or acorns are found usually hold out an ace to explore. The acorn meadows are thronged during the day by the deer as they consider it far away from intruders. But, humans are smarter and can use this misread by the deer to personal advantage.
3. Pick the right days
If you do not have wide tracts of land to hunt in, you probably need to join other hunters in the scattered public grazing lands across the country. Using public lands brings its own challenges as both professional and leisure hunters will be all out here during the weekends.
You can decide to explore the weekdays as there will be fewer hunters on the prowl, and this can lead you to the big bucks. If there is a weekday holiday, it is better to avoid it if you are keen on making a big kill.
4. Best hunting hours
The prehistoric and ancient practices that men have learned to adopt in hunting supports early hours hunting. This means that you need to hit the road at late hours and watch out for the prey till the wee hours of the morning.
If you need to put up your stand, this needs to be in place before it is daylight. The distractions during the day will push the deer away easily. The early season is a good time to spot big bucks in the open fields and this means you need to have your stands set up early to stand a chance.
5. Eliminate human scent
Following the wind direction is another tip that ties with the time you choose to hunt. As the wind is roused, human scent is picked up by the deer, so pick a stand against the wind to aid your hunting success.
You also need to have hunting robes that are not washed with scented soaps. Place your clothes in a rubber bin with some pines or earth to diffuse any unnatural smell. Do not bath with scented soaps when setting out to hunt.
The cracks of the gun also give the prey a lead that makes them wary of the open fields. So, make sure you are able to put up early stands before the prey congregates around the food source. Make sure you put up your stand to face the upwind to aid your view of the prey.
6. Use Camera Trails
Another point on the list of tricks to find big early season bucks is camera checking. This scouting tip helps you confirm the wind flow as antlers often move with the wind indications.
You need to get your wind directions clear as you study the camera images as this clue can be used in both the early and late season. As you see the camera trails, you will be able to decide where to set the hunting stands to your advantage.
Make use of shaded areas so that your position can be concealed. Always make sure that your shots will not be impeded by any obstruction as you set up the stand.