Tikka T3X Lite

8.4 score
(TheGearHunt) score (8.4)/10

Our TheGearHunt score is based on 3 different factors: Editor's rating after in-depth testing. User ratings submitted on this page Overall score from the "reviewmeter" based on reviews across the web the weight of each factor is: 40% editor rating 15% user ratings 45% reviewmeter.
Editor rating: 7.5 / 10
User's rating: based on 42 user ratings
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Tikka T3X Lite Review Facts

While there are some subtle variations between the calibers available in the standard or compact versions of the Tikka T3X Lite, this weapon is very much a simple sleek appearance. There is one stock option, one finish, and while there are differences in barrel length depending upon which version you choose, they are all within five inches of one another, which means that the overall length of the gun never changes more than six inches. If you were planning on purchasing this gun as a gift, you can breathe easy knowing that you cannot buy it in the wrong color. Do not let the simplicity in appearance of this bolt-action center-fire rifle fool you into thinking is not a worthy hunting tool; thanks to its ingenious design and attention to detail, it can boast a grouping of one inch at one hundred yards if you know how to wield it. Perhaps the most surprising bit of information about this rifle is that it is available in certain places in a left-handed model.

Editor's Pros & Cons


  • Asymmetrical grip patterning
  • Metallic bolt shroud covers
  • Steel recoil lug
  • Lightweight
  • Very limited color/appearance options
  • Possibly sensitive to cheap ammunition
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What are buyers saying?

We have spent 3 hours analyzing a total of 25 reviews.

These reviews are then categoried into "Positive" and "Negative" feedback.

Below you will read a summary of them:

  • This was great with the grouping, 1” all day. I like that the bolt slides easily, smooth. The recoil isn't a huge issue when kneeling and it is light. Definitely looking into more of this brand.
  • It does have a bit more recoil than it should, I feel. I ended up putting a recoil pad on it. It has some of the smoothest bolt action I have ever witnessed. I did a grip mod on it and it looks and feels nice. Look out coyotes!
  • I like that it was accurate right away. Makes it nice to shoot. It has a smooth bolt and is very reliable. It has an easy two pound trigger that feels good. I do wish that the recoil pad was better. I highly recommend the rifle.
  • I really am a huge fan of the Tikka brand. The bolt is great and the trigger pull is smooth. I highly recommend it. I can't really find a negative.
  • This is a high quality and rugged rifle. There is a nice scope mount built in. The bolt is stupid smooth. It truly is an excellent rifle.
  • I was sold on it when I realized I could adjust my own trigger pull. It goes to 3 lbs. It has always been accurate. Uper easy to carry out hunting. Truly fantastic firearm.
  • This has to be the most accurate rifle I have bought. The mount is on point, put me a scope on there. It shot ½ inch at 100 yards first three fires. It is adjustable to 3lbs on the trigger pull. I am in love.
  • This rifle makes you feel like a pro. Breaking her in, I was hitting 1” groups consistently. Love the adjusting ability on the trigger. This is really a great rifle.
  • Best ergonomics I have found on a rifle. It is dead accurate. A scope just makes this next level. Easy to clean and reassemble. It is very well built and fun to shoot. She is a keeper.
  • I’ve filled my freezer a few times with this baby. So accurate and flawless shooting. It isn't too much to carry around all day and has a nice light trigger pull. One of the best rifles I have ever bought.
  • I ended up buying a .308 after shooting this, by Tikka. They are super awesome firearms. They are consistent. The grouping is so tight and zeros so easy. Dead accurate.
  • The trigger has no creep to it and man is that bolt silky smooth. The stock isn't the best but it works well it is light and durable. I highly recommend putting one of these in the collection for sure.
  • This is the best firing rifle EVER! I feel like it is mounted when I am firing it. I am used to the .308 but this is so smooth and light. Zeroed in and man is it dead accurate. It is a slick piece and I would buy it again.
  • This is the first Tikka I have had and I am not a fan. The cheap ammo worked better in the rifle but I had to wait every few shots to cool her down and she gets sub MOA. I'll pass next time.
  • The bolt doesn't stay secure and mine popped off during a trip while on a walk and rendered the gun useless. Customer service was useless. I am pretty pissed about it. I wouldn't buy this if you need security.
The Reviewmeter shows you an overall score that you can easily refer to. The highest rating is 10 (100% positive feedback)
Of the 25 reviews we found in total, 10% were negative, and 90% were positive.

Primary Use

As with most rifles, the primary function of the Tikka T3X Lite is to hunt. Of course, you could use it for simpler purposes such as competitions, but the intended use of a gun such as this is usually geared towards hunting. Even if you only ever shoot nonliving targets with it, however, you must always respect the fact that a gun can kill accidentally if mishandled or not respected. The purpose of a gun is to kill, whether it be squirrel or fox, deer or bear. If you respect your weapon, you will come home carrying your prize trophy – be it a trophy you won for a bullseye grouping or a meal or two you can already almost taste – and a smile.


The barrel of the Tikka T3X Lite is cold hammer forged steel and comes in several different lengths between twenty and 24.3 inches. This makes the rifle fall anywhere from 39.4 inches to 44.5 inches in total length. It is blued black in appearance, and there are extra screw placements atop the receiver for Picatinny rails on the Compact version, so that even larger scopes are safely mountable. The only other point of note about the barrel is the varying rate of twist, depending on which version you buy. The rate of twist on the T3X Lite ranges from 8 inches to 14 inches. This may seem like nuance to some, but when referring to a gun with so few variables it is worth noting any differences, lest the buyer then overestimate the simplicity of the weapon design choice.

Stock Options

Unlike many other rifles, there are not multiple stocks available for this Tikka. This particular rifle comes with one weatherproof matte black synthetic stock. The versatility of it, however, more than makes up for a lack of different color family or camouflage appearances. Who needs camouflage all around the stock when you have a matte black finish, making it easy to avoid startling wildlife with an errant glint of sunlight? This modular stock comes with the ability to interchange the pistol grips for multiple grip angles. Being able to change the way you are holding a rifle means being able to change how your body is posed. This might not sound like much of a feature, but anyone who has been in the same position for more than an hour waiting for their quarry to appear will appreciate the ability to almost noiselessly switch grip options and change shooting position. If you have been sitting at the base of a tree all morning, your backside going numb beneath you, and a fallen log hiding you two feet in front of you, eventually you are going to start thinking that laying forward for a while would be a nice relief for your butt, and a chance to quietly stretch. In a manner of moments, you have changed to a handle more well-suited to your newly intended position, and now all you have to do is shift without groaning in relief when you start to regain feeling in your upper thighs. You managed to avoid standing up, got to readjust, and now your focus is back on the scape in front of you, where your dinner just strolled into view. It may not sound like much to some, but anyone who has ever felt that new-position relief will understand just how helpful this interchangeable grip function is. In addition to these options, there is also another attachment point that is designed to change the width of the fore-end for a better and more comfortable grip. The stock also has an asymmetrical grip pattern so that you will not lose your hold, even with gloves on. The interior of the back of the stock has a recoil pad to reduce impact, as well as a foam insert to not only reduce recoil, but also reduce the stock related noise in the aftermath of firing.


Delightfully, the T3X Lite lives up to its name. Every hunter, whether they have bagged a duck, rabbit, or larger game, knows the bone-weary tired of coming home carrying your success with you – or dragging it behind you, if it is too big to lift. Nobody in that position wants to think about the additional weight of a gun they have been carrying all day, making the trek back to the cabin, tent, or car seem even longer than it already is. It should be a comfort, then, to learn that the T3X Lite weighs less than a Thanksgiving turkey, at less than six and a half pounds. With the addition of a sling or carrying case and a remembrance to unload any remaining rounds first, you can safely drape your weapon and walk more freely, upright, and hands free without really noticing its presence, even if you are exhausted and just looking for a hot shower and a nap. Keep in mind that any aftermarket accessories you purchase, such as the interchanging grips or a scope, or bipod, will start to add weight to your load bearing self, driving that number upwards. It may not seem like much to add a scope to your rifle, or to carry a small pouch of grips, but those things will start to add up before long. Be sure that you are going to be able to carry the load you bring upon yourself, especially if you do not intend to field dress what you hunt. Nobody wants to take down a deer only to find they are too sore or too tired to lift it and have to drag not only one hundred and fifty points of deer along behind them, but also lugging a six pound rifle that has turned into a ten pound rifle with aftermarket accessories. Plan accordingly.


The most obvious accessory to mention would be the interchangeable pistol grips, since they are sold separately. Then, of course, there are the typical extras such as the Picatinny rail option, thanks to the extra screw placements atop the receiver, a rifle sling, a carrying case, or any of the plethora of accessories and add-ons available to affix to rifles to increase accuracy, performance, or simply ease transportation of your weapon in and out of your hunting grounds. Any, all, or none of these aftermarket accessories are necessary, so you need not shell out for everything at once. Instead take the time to learn what you want out of your rifle, see what you might be lacking in or need improvement on, and then be sure to look into something that is compatible. Do not be in such a rush to accessorize that you throw practicality to the wind; be sure you research what items would be most beneficial to your needs, and then make sure they fit before you buy them.


There are five different calibers of ammunition available for this particular model of rifle, ranging between .243 Win to .300 Win Mags. The magazine holds three rounds with a fourth being chambered. You may have to reload more often, depending on how your day goes, but the newly developed recoil technology will ensure that your shoulder can handle firing more shots before it bruises. There is a metallic bolt shroud, which covers and shields the rear of the bolt body and firing pin. Instead of the common aluminum recoil lug, this weapon’s recoil lug is made of steel in order to avoid strong imprinting, which causes deformation when firing. If you take good care of your weapon, clean it regularly, and fire only the recommended ammunition, it is guaranteed to shoot one inch groupings at one hundred yards. The trigger is a single-stage adjustable mechanism that ranges from two to four pounds.


Feeding the cartridge one at a time is easier with the widened angular ejection port that went into the design of this particular rifle. This will be good news for those hunters who brave the bitter cold and wear bulky gloves in order to do it. There were some users who had trouble with a smooth, jam-free day, but without seeing and knowing precisely what they were doing, it is hard to place blame or tell what might be going wrong. The best advice available in this instance is going to be to read your manual, do your homework, and see what the return policy is at your local or online retailer of choice. If none of these options are available to you, there are more and more safety videos springing up for free on the internet every day – just be sure any source you seek out is reputable before taking it as gospel.


There is very little cosmetically to choose from on this rifle. There is no engraving, no scroll-work, no 24 karat gold leaf, no wood or synthetic or camouflage print stocks to choose from. Simply put, this rifle is no nonsense. A modular black matte weatherproof synthetic stock and a blued/black cold hammer forged steel receiver are the appearance you will find when you seek out this gun for purchase, point blank and period. There is a variant version of this weapon called the Compact but even those models are issued with a blued black finish, a matte synthetic stock, and little room for variation. The most difference you will find is choosing one of five calibers, and their corresponding lengths of rifle design thereafter.


The bolt body and firing pin of this weapon are shielded by a shroud cover, developed for protection. For all other forms of safety, it is fairly simple to keep safe while using this – or any – firearm. You are wielding a weapon. Do so with utmost care. Also be sure to clean your weapon properly and as often as is recommended in your owner’s manual. If you don’t have an owner’s manual, they are usually free to download and are therefore a quick internet search away. Cleaning your rifle is not the same as cleaning a pair of shoes – it is not optional. If you do not keep your gun in clean and oiled working order, you are inviting at the very least a misfire to jam your gun, thus frustrating you and potentially ruining your day of hunting. At the worst, an unclean gun could cost you your fingers, the skin of your arms, or in extreme cases your life. You owe it to your hunting buddies, your family, and yourself to clean your gun properly. In addition to this, whenever there is a safety warning attached to an object you are considering purchasing, you should make yourself aware of it. This rifle, for example, falls within the parameters of California’s state P65 warnings for cancer and reproductive harm. For more information on that, visit www.P65Warnings.ca.gov and see what you might not know. The term ‘safety’ when referring to a firearm of any kind does not just mean a switch or button that indicates the trigger is locked; it is a golden rule that must be adhered to for the sake of everyone involved.


This particular rifle, having different size and feature lengths, has more a price range than a price tag. On the low side it comes around $679, and on the high side it can ring up somewhere around $775. To some, this is a great bargain for so nice a firearm. To others, this will sound ludicrous and they will scoff and look elsewhere to spend their hard earned money. It is ultimately up to you as the buyer to decide whether or not this gun is worth the price tag you find. Certain retailers, both online and physical storefront, may have deals going on for various holidays or simply to encourage more business, so shop around and try to find a means to saving a few dollars. Do not, however, cut corners. If someone is selling one privately, exercise the caution due in such a scenario. If you can, have the gun tested before buying it so that you are certain it works properly. If you are purchasing retail, see about a warranty. Sometimes manufacturers will have warranties for their products regardless of where you bought them, but other times it is the retailer personally offering a warranty if you come to them specifically. Be sure you do your homework and purchase responsibly.

Key Features

•Interchangeable pistol grips
•One stock, one barrel in color-base appearance
•One inch groupings at one hundred yards

Bottom Line

There are plenty of rifles on the market today that offer various versions of caliber, a no-nonsense simple design with lack of variation, and a good grouping average. Consider, however, how many of those have an asymmetrical grip pattern for a secure hold of the rifle, ingenious minor details like a steel recoil lug and new recoil pad technology, as well as the option of left handedness. It is possible that those left handed people who have been forced to fire right handed rifles all their lives will not bother with switching now that they have a great choice of a weapon with the capability of catering to their needs; it is also possible that somewhere, a left handed hunter is rejoicing that he will no longer have to settle for being in a predominantly right handed world when it comes to his favorite hobby. That alone would not be enough to justify a price tag such as this but combining that anecdote with the multiple grips that interchange in moments and an adjustment piece to change the width of the fore-end of the stock makes this rifle customizable in ways that other rifles are not. The Tikka T3X Lite rifle (or its Compact option) is a great new way to find all day comfort without struggling to re position your gun as well as yourself while you are trying to remain hidden among the trees or on the forest floor.