A Few Natural Cold Remedies in Your Cupboard

The common cold is one of the most mysterious maladies known to man. There is no cure for the common cold is something that all of us have heard often in our lifetimes, but there are ways that you can relieve the symptoms. However, it looks like your grandmama may have been right, relieving the symptoms of the common cold could be as simple as gargling with a glass of salt water or eating a big bowl of homemade chicken soup.
A cold can make you very miserable and not fit to be around other humans. From the cough to the low-grade fever and from the runny nose to the sheer misery of having a cold, most humans will do about anything to make it go away.
That is why in this blog, we are going to discuss not only the symptoms of the common cold, but the myths surrounding it as well, along with the remedies that could be right there in your cupboard waiting on you to use them to feel help you feel all better, or at least more human until the cold passes.
So, grab your box of tissues, snuggle under the covers with your mug of tea and bottle of water and let’s find out everything we can about colds and how to treat them.
The first thing we want to do is figure out what the signs and symptoms that you might have a cold coming on are, that way you can start treating it before it becomes full-blown.
Symptoms of a Cold
There are a few symptoms that you can look out for when it comes to a cold coming on. The symptoms of a common cold usually appear one to three days after you are exposed to one of the viruses that cause the common cold. Read on below for a list of them, so you can be ready to start hitting the vitamin C and more.
- Runny nose
- Stopped up nose
- You are coughing badly
- Congestion
- Body aches
- Headache
- Running a just above average fever
- Generally just feeling blah and icky
- Sneezing
Of course, even with the common cold, there are times where it’s going to get severe enough that you have to see a doctor. Below, you will find the signs and symptoms that should have you heading to an appointment with your doctor right away.
Signs that You Need to See a Doctor for Adults
- If you have a fever greater than 101.3 degrees Fahrenheit
- A fever that lasts five days or more or a fever that comes back after the fever was already gone
- You’re having shortness of breath
- You’re wheezing
- A severe sore throat
- Severe sinus pain
- Severe headache
Signs That You Need to See A Doctor for Children
There is nothing worse for a parent than a sick child, but most of the time your child will not need to see his primary care provider for a simple cold. There are instances where it is important to get your baby to his pediatrician right away if the symptoms below occur.
- A fever of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit in a newborn that is up to 12 weeks of age
- A fever that is rising or a fever that lasts more than two days in any child
- The child is getting worse or the symptoms aren’t improving
- A severe cough
- A severe headache
- Ear pain
- They are wheezing
- They are extremely fussy
- Your child has stopped eating or has a lack of appetite
- He is unusually sleepy and drowsy
A fever and any of these other symptoms are not something you want to mess with when it comes to your child. If you notice these or the cold seems to be lingering and not getting better, it’s time to make an appointment your child’s doctor.
Common Cold Remedies Revealed
There are quite a few natural cold remedies that can be found in your cabinets to help relieve the symptoms of the common cold. Below, we will go into them and a few tips to help you feel less miserable as well.
Tip One: Drink Lots of Fluids
Your biggest aim when you are fighting a cold is to drink more liquids than usual. It’s best if that liquid is water, but any liquid will do. This is because good hydration moistens the linings of your throat and nose, making it easier for you to breathe and the mucus easier to clear. The only drinks that you should avoid are ones with caffeine in them and alcoholic beverages. Sorry, those are a no-go if you want to get better.
Tip Two: Use an Air Humidifier
It’s also possible to keep your nose and throat moist by using an air humidifier. Most all of us have one tucked away in a cabinet somewhere, even if we don’t use it on a regular basis. Make sure that you follow the instructions and that the unit is clean or it won’t help you a bit, and might even make your cold worse.
Tip Three: Use a Neti Pot
Another item that many of us have in the bathroom cabinet is a neti pot. This is the perfect tool for helping your stuffed up nose when you have a cold. It helps to prevent your nasal cavity from drying out, which can make you even more miserable than a runny nose can when you have a cold.
Tip Four: Chicken Soup
Everyone knows that chicken soup is not only good for the soul but the body as well. Our grandmothers used to ply us with homemade chicken soup, not that can stuff, when we were sick with everything from the flu to the common cold, and she was right, it does make you feel better. So, make yourself a huge pot of homemade chicken soup and eat it laced with quite a bit of pepper, just like grandmama did and you’ll be feeling better in no time at all.
Tip Five: Hydrate and Soothe Your Throat with Warm Tea
There is nothing like a warm liquid slipping down your throat to give you relief from the soreness and dryness of a cold. Not only that, but it helps to relieve a stuffy nose and helps to keep you hydrated as well. Hot tea, such as fragrant chamomile or a green tea will do the trick every time.
Tip Six: Hot and Cold Compacts
One of the worst things about having a cold is the havoc it wreaks on your sinuses. Applying a hot and then a cold compact to the bridge of your nose can help with that quite a bit. Something about alternating between the two is great for helping your sinuses drain.
Tip Seven: Garlic Cloves
Garlic cloves, whether you’re eating them or inhaling the steam from them are said to help with the common cold. With their antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, they are said to work wonders for many ailments, including the congestion that comes with the common cold. If you’re not really fond of the taste of raw garlic, try sauteeing it with veggies or some pasta, that way you’re getting the effects without a taste that will make you gag. You can also inhale the steam from garlic, which will help with the congestion as well, and you won’t have to worry about vampires or anyone else for that matter, coming near you for at least a few days.
Tip Eight: Rest, Rest and More Rest
Resting and sleeping are the best things for the common cold. After all, you’re miserable anyway, so what else do you have to do. Pile up in the bed, under the covers and read the latest book by your favorite author or watch TV all day long. Whatever you decide to do, making sure to rest is, of course, always the best medicine.
These are just a few of the remedies for the common cold that you probably already have laying around your house or in the cupboards somewhere. It’s important to know when it’s time to see a doctor, however, because sometimes these things don’t just go away on their own. There are times, where that common cold could have turned into the flu, or pneumonia or even strep throat and then things need to be treated by a doctor. If you are unsure on whether you have moved from the common cold to something more serious, it’s time to get in touch with your primary care provider for an appointment to see what the problem is and get the medicine you need.
Now, that we know a little about the common cold, the symptoms you have, and a little on how to treat them, let’s move into some of the myths that have abounded about the common cold for years and need to be dispelled. Ready? Then let’s get started!
Myths Surrounding the Common Cold Revealed and Debunked
There are quite a few myths out there that need to be dispelled regarding the common cold. Do you know any of them? If so, read on below to find out a few more.
Myth One: You Need an Antibiotic if You have a Sore Throat and a Fever
In reality, a sore throat and fever can be caused by a number of things. If the cause is viral, then an antibiotic will do you no good. There are no antibiotics that will treat the common cold. As a matter of fact, overuse of antibiotics can actually lead to you developing an antibiotic-resistant bacteria, which would put you in quite a pickle, if you really got sick and needed an antibiotic to get well.
Myth Two: You Can’t Work or Send Your Kid to School with a Cold
As long as you don’t have a fever, it is possible for the two of you to go about your normal day. It is advisable, if you feel absolutely awful, and can, to stay at home to get better, however. If you do choose to go to school and work, then make sure that you hydrate well during the day, as that can cause you problems. Try to rest as much as possible as well, because having a cold can certainly make you more tired than normal.
Myth Three: Going Outside With Shorts on in January can Give You a Cold
Iffy, but Probably Not True
Stuff like the conditions outside is often blamed for people getting colds. While it’s certainly not a good idea to go out in the middle of January in shorts or with no coat on, it will probably not be responsible for the cold you catch. It can, however, weaken your immune system, which can cause a cold, so there is that. It’s best to just avoid going out without the proper attire in January and please, make sure that you dry your hair before going outside as well, if not your mom will be very unhappy and plying you with chicken soup in no time at all.
These are just a few of the top myths out there about colds that need to be dispelled. No, you don’t need antibiotics every time your throat hurts and no, you aren’t going to catch your death of cold by going outside in the snow with your hair wet, though it could end up with an immune system that is weak and you could catch one anyway, just saying.
This concludes our blog on the common cold and everything you need to know about it, from symptoms to myths and even the cold remedies that could bring you relief. Until next time, stay healthy!
- Everyday Health: Top 10 Home Remedies for the Common Cold
- MultiCare: Six Myths and Misconceptions About the Common Cold
- WebMD: Common Cold Symptoms