Best Ghillie Suits Reviewed & Rated for Quality

In a Hurry? Editors choice:
Red Rock Outdoor Gear
Test Winner: Red Rock Outdoor Gear
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This article of clothing is highly effective when used to blend in with your environment. This camouflage suit can be made from net or cloth and is typically used by persons in law enforcement to conceal themselves from an enemy target or hunters who may need to remain hidden in the snow or sand while hunting prey. The right designs can effectively mimic the movement of objects such as foliage in proximity to the wearer.

If made right this suit is breathable and can be extremely effective. The circumstances under which these outfits are used require precision which is why we have put together a list of the top 10 performers for 2019 thus far. Keep reading to find out why these exceptional designs are not only well constructed but highly effective and worth your consideration.

Standout Picks

Red Rock Outdoor Gear
This suit consists of five pieces including a jacket, pants, and stuff sack. It also has an elastic waist and jacket cuffs. This ghillie suit is quick and easy to put on over your clothing. It gives direct access to the pockets and provides a lightweight fit which is ideal for hunters. The dense material used to construct the outfit allows it to be used under a variety of environmental conditions. It also comes with a convenient sack for storage.
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Arcturus Ghost
The Arcturus Ghost has a dense thread covering that is not only silent but water resistant with minimal shedding. This ghillie suit employs advanced 3D camouflage that can be used by hunters and even law enforcement personnel. The synthetic thread is resistant to mold and has a 7 color blend that makes it highly effective. It is double stitched for strength and durability with a matching wrap that can be used to store your weapon.
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Arcturus 3D Leaf
The Arcturus 3D Leaf is constructed with a thin mesh base which increases breathability, especially in warmer climates. This is built from scratch and is both lightweight and comfortable. It is constructed from a polyester mesh and has an amazing depth that effectively breaks up the outline of your physical form. The leaves on this outfit have a four-color pattern to help you blend in with your environment.
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The Vivo woodland camouflage is a five-piece set that includes a mask, pants and a stuff sack. This ghillie suit is ideal for the woods and similar bush environments. The outfit includes a mask, jacket, pants and gun cover. A carrying bag is also included in your product kit for easy storage. The lining is made from polyester and fit slightly bigger than indicated which allows users to create a custom fit.
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Outerdo woodland clothing is made from mesh polyester fabric which makes it comfortable and easy to use. This ghillie suit is designed as a free size and is constructed from polyester. It has an elastic waist on the pants that is easily adjustable and it also has a high level of breathability. Poppers are placed on the jacket for quick and easy removal. This outfit is ideal for surveillance and can also be used for hunting.
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ASAT Vanish Pro 3D System
The ASAT Vanish Pro 3D System is constructed from polyester fabric and is designed to fit under multiple layers of clothing. This ghillie suit can be placed over any type of clothing including rain gear and insulation. It is constructed from polyester and the pants have a leg zipper that is roughly 22 inches long. The jacket features a full-length zip with elastic cuffs that can also be adjusted.
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Pinty 3D 4-Piece
The Pinty 3D 4-Piece has a multi-layer high-density design that is also lightweight with excellent craftsmanship. This consists of four pieces which include pants, a jacket, a mask and one stuff sack. It also comes with a gun cover and the pants along with its jacket is constructed from polyester and polypropylene fibers. It is multi-layered yet lightweight and double stitched for durability.
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North Mountain Gear
This option from North Mountain Gear is constructed from polyester but it offers fleece-like comfort and a high level of breathability. This has a thick coat of full-cut leaves. It is constructed from premium polyester fabric and has been double stitched for durability. The breathability of this outfit is high and it offers fleece-like comfort while maintaining a lightweight fit. It is also quite versatile and can be used under various external conditions.
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Pellor Kids
The Pellor Kids suit is constructed from synthetic polyester and dries at a rapid rate. It is also lightweight and features and adjustable waist. This option is made from synthetic polyester and dries at a rapid rate. It is versatile enough to be used for a number of various outdoor activities including hunting. This two piece outfit comes with a hooded jacket and pants that have an adjustable waist to produce a more custom fit.
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Boshen Woodland
The Boshen Woodland is constructed from polyester and features an elastic waist which makes it easy to adjust the fit. This ghillie suit consists of one jacket and a pair of pants that are made from polyester. The elastic waist on the trousers are ideal for creating a custom fit and makes removal of the outfit fairly easy. It can be hand washed and dries fairly quickly with a lightweight fit that allows it to be used for various activities.
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Criteria Used for Evaluation


An extensive color blend is a large bonus when it comes to these types of outfits. The greater the color variation the easier it is for you to naturally blend in with your environment when using camouflage. The colors of nature and bright and vibrant and some manufacturers can use up to seven layers of color variations to ensure your garments look as natural as possible against the natural beauty of the forest.

Multiple leaf layers can also affect how efficiently you are able to blend with your environment. There are a number of factors that make layering necessary one of which include the natural movement of leaves. If your layers are not thick and full they will not be able to exhibit a full range of motion. Leaves also tend to fall off or get snagged so having a full cut ensures the longevity of the product. These are sometimes double stitched to ensure they remain fixed to your outfit at all times.

The leaves aren’t the only things that can be double stitched the entire inner lining can feature this technique to increase the tensile strength of the outfit as well as to increase longevity and durability. These garments are commonly designed with a high level of adjustability at points such as the waist, cuffs, hood, and ankles. This helps to create a custom fit for persons who fall within a particular size range. It also enables designers to cater to a range of body types.

Ease of Use

The synthetic material used to construct these types of garments are generally synthetic which makes them highly resistant to moisture and mold. This is an excellent feature for persons who are out in the field for extended periods and face various elements such as rain or snow and declining temperatures at night. These types of materials also dry at a rapid rate so you care able to remain dry and warm even under the harshest of conditions.

The weight of your suit plays an important part in your efficiency if you are utilizing it for hunting. Hunters are on the move for long periods of time and it is easy for just a few pounds to have an increasing effect on them over time. Many of these designs can go up to four pounds, however, there are quite a few that manage to keep the weight down to just over one pound for the entire kit which may include up to four or even five pieces.

Coverage is very important when it comes to ghillie suits as appearance is literally everything. This is especially vital for persons who are in law enforcement as, at times, their very lives can depend on it. A two-piece suit with a hood may work just fine for a hunter but for someone in law enforcement, it makes their concealment easier when their outfit offers full coverage. This allows them to completely focus on the task at hand knowing they are fully protected and concealed.


Although these outfits can remain relatively clean on their own, after an extended period it will become necessary to get it washed. Generally, these are made from strong synthetic materials which allows them to be washed either by hand or in the washing machine. Because they are not natural fibers, they do not retain moisture which means they tend to dry at a rapid rate. This added benefit will ensure that when your outfit has been washed it can be dried and ready to go in a very short space of time.

Versatility is a valuable feature when it comes to ghillie suits. The main application for these types of outfits have always been law enforcement and hunting, however, due to innovation and vision manufacturers have designed their outfits to be suitable for a variety of activities. These may include outdoor activities such as bird watching and paintball, however, many have glow in the dark features and additional tweaks that make them great for occasions such as Halloween.

Elastic is usually used at the ankles to provide adjustability which is necessary to produce a custom fit within a size range. There are some designs that utilize zippers as these can cater to larger or oversized boots or bulk gear that can sometimes be worn under your camouflage such as scent repeller, rain gear or insulation. A few manufacturers have used buttons at the ankles which are effective at repelling insects such as mosquitoes.


The good thing about these types of clothing is that they focus more so on a size range instead of the traditional route of securing an exact fit. This is most especially useful when you need to wear your camouflage in colder conditions or when it is raining. It allows you to place it over your insulated or rain gear and still get the desired result when it comes to fit. This also makes it ideal for manufacturers to cater to the widest range of consumers.

Sizes generally start from medium and can go all the way up to 2xl. There are very few designs that will go as low as a small fit, however, these types of outfits are highly adjustable and can easily create a custom fit for anyone that falls within a particular range. To get your fit right on your jacket you will need to utilize your chest measurements whilst trousers use waist measurements to help individuals find the correct size range for them.

Medium to large sizes can have a range of around 28 inches at the waist to around 38 inches. Large to extra large generally run from 30 inches to around 40 inches and extra large to 2x will typically go from around 34 inches all the way up to 44 inches. Sizes can also be grouped according to height. Some brands have two sizes one of which caters to persons under six feet and the other for persons over six feet in height. No matter how sizes are grouped, there is always a level of adjustability available to consumers.


Polyester is one of the main materials used to construct these outfits as it offers a lot of beneficial properties that increase the value of the product. One of the main benefits the material offers is impressive strength and durability. Because it is synthetic, it is resistant to most chemicals and it does not stretch or shrink. This makes it machine washable and safe and it also has the ability to dry at a rapid rate which is excellent when being used in rainy or snowy conditions.

Polypropylene is another common material used in these types of garments and it is generally applied to areas such as drawstrings as it is semi-rigid and easy to maneuver. This material also has fatigue resistance which allows the strings that hold your trousers up to maintain its shape and stand up strongly to the tension endured for long periods. You won’t have the same problem with this accessory become stretched as others would if natural materials were used such as cotton.

Elastic material such as spandex is usually used in areas such as the cuffs of the jacket, the hoodie and even in the ankles of the trousers as these areas are almost always adjustable. Drawstrings are also used to create a snug and secure fit. Combining these two items helps your suit to maintain its shape so you always experience full coverage when using it in these garments in the field. This is especially useful when in forest areas as your garment can snag as you move through bushes and trees.

10 Best Ghillie Suits

1. Red Rock Outdoor Gear

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Red Rock Outdoor Gear
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This suit consists of five pieces including a jacket, pants, and stuff sack. It also has an elastic waist and jacket cuffs.

This ghillie suit is quick and easy to put on over your clothing. It gives direct access to the pockets and provides a lightweight fit which is ideal for hunters. The dense material used to construct the outfit allows it to be used under a variety of environmental conditions. It also comes with a convenient sack for storage.

The smallest size jacket available for this outfit is a medium to large which has a chest measurement of 42 inches. It’s matching trousers which cover a similar size range starts at 32 inches.

This outfit is constructed from polyester and spandex. It has an elastic waist with a drawstring which makes it easy to gear up as well as remove after use. The hood, as well as gun wrap, also make use of this feature.

Cost and Value
The Red Outdoor suit has a moderately low price range. There is a snap closure at the ankles which allows users to create a custom fit. This brand is one of the industry leaders when it comes to ghillie suits and camouflage netting.

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2. Arcturus Ghost

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Arcturus Ghost
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The Arcturus Ghost has a dense thread covering that is not only silent but water resistant with minimal shedding.

This ghillie suit employs advanced 3D camouflage that can be used by hunters and even law enforcement personnel. The synthetic thread is resistant to mold and has a 7 color blend that makes it highly effective. It is double stitched for strength and durability with a matching wrap that can be used to store your weapon.

The seven color blend used on this outfit creates an unparalleled 3D camouflage that is highly effective. Throughout this garment, the synthetic fibers have been double stitched which increases product durability.

Ease of Use
The synthetic fiber used to construct this outfit is mold resistant which is ideal or users who operate in wet and or cold conditions. It also dries at a high rate of speed which increases comfort during use.

Cost and Value
The Arcturus Ghost has a high price range, however, this brand has been creating and delivering innovative designs in this particular industry for over twelve years and have a reputation for quality.

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3. Arcturus 3D Leaf

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Arcturus 3D Leaf
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The Arcturus 3D Leaf is constructed with a thin mesh base which increases breathability, especially in warmer climates.

This is built from scratch and is both lightweight and comfortable. It is constructed from a polyester mesh and has an amazing depth that effectively breaks up the outline of your physical form. The leaves on this outfit have a four-color pattern to help you blend in with your environment.

The fabric used to construct this outfit is machine washable which makes it easy to ensure it is kept clean especially after a long day. The fabric dries quickly which offers another level of convenience.

This entire suit which includes a hooded jacket and a pants weights only 18 ounces. It comes in two sizes which are medium to large and extra large. The medium to large size is designed for persons under six feet while the other caters to those over six feet.

Cost and Value
The Arcturus 3D Leaf has a moderately high price range. There are multiple patterns to choose from such as Autumn or dark woodland. There also fall and summer patterns available.

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4. Vivo

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The Vivo woodland camouflage is a five-piece set that includes a mask, pants and a stuff sack.

This ghillie suit is ideal for the woods and similar bush environments. The outfit includes a mask, jacket, pants and gun cover. A carrying bag is also included in your product kit for easy storage. The lining is made from polyester and fit slightly bigger than indicated which allows users to create a custom fit.

Ease of UseMaterials
The lining of this four-piece outfit is made from polyester and the strings that are used for making adjustments to the fit of the suit is constructed from polypropylene. Mesh openings are used in the eye and nose area.

Cost and Value
The Vivo has a medium price range. This brand is consumer driven and is always looking for ways to simplify and create more value for its customers.

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Outerdo woodland clothing is made from mesh polyester fabric which makes it comfortable and easy to use.

This ghillie suit is designed as a free size and is constructed from polyester. It has an elastic waist on the pants that is easily adjustable and it also has a high level of breathability. Poppers are placed on the jacket for quick and easy removal. This outfit is ideal for surveillance and can also be used for hunting.

There is a range of applications when it comes to releasing the full potential of this outfit. It can be effectively used when hunting, bird watching or if you're simply attempting to camouflage yourself.

This 3D two-piece camouflage outfit has a woodland feel to it and is covered in leaves for efficiency. It is designed to be a free size garment and therefore has a number of adjustable points at the waist, hood, cuffs, and ankles.

Cost and Value
Outerdo Woodland clothing has a low price range. The jacket features a full length zipper with zipper sliders for easy gear up and removal of this outfit. Drawstrings located on the hood allows users to adjust to a custom fit

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6. ASAT Vanish Pro 3D System

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ASAT Vanish Pro 3D System
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The ASAT Vanish Pro 3D System is constructed from polyester fabric and is designed to fit under multiple layers of clothing.

This ghillie suit can be placed over any type of clothing including rain gear and insulation. It is constructed from polyester and the pants have a leg zipper that is roughly 22 inches long. The jacket features a full-length zip with elastic cuffs that can also be adjusted.

Ease of Use
The camouflage over system that is employed with this design allows it to be placed over a variety of clothing choices such as scent control, insulation or rain gear. The polyester fabric is leaf cut and chain stitched for efficiency.

This outfit comes in four sizes; Medium, large, extra large and 2xl. It is highly adjustable with a 22-inch long zipper in the pants a full zipper jacket, elastic cuffs and a head net that features an adjustable cable lock.

Cost and Value
The ASAT Vanish Pro 3D System has a very high price range, however, it has a multicolor design and a high level of adjustability in areas such as the waist and ankles which make it easy to create a custom fit.

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7. Pinty 3D 4-Piece

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Pinty 3D 4-Piece
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The Pinty 3D 4-Piece has a multi-layer high-density design that is also lightweight with excellent craftsmanship.

This consists of four pieces which include pants, a jacket, a mask and one stuff sack. It also comes with a gun cover and the pants along with its jacket is constructed from polyester and polypropylene fibers. It is multi-layered yet lightweight and double stitched for durability.

There are buttons placed on the pants hem of this outfit which serves the valuable purpose of repelling insects such as mosquitoes and chiggers as they have a tendency to cause a distraction while out in the field.

The materials used to construct this four-piece outfit is polyester and polypropylene which are quite common with these kinds of garments as it not only provides durability but help to prolong the longevity of the item.

Cost and Value
The Pinty 3D 4-Piece has a moderately low price range. This complete set includes a mask, a jacket, pants, stuff sack and a gun cover. It offers full coverage which gives you the leisure of focusing on the task at hand.

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8. North Mountain Gear

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North Mountain Gear
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This option from North Mountain Gear is constructed from polyester but it offers fleece-like comfort and a high level of breathability.

This has a thick coat of full-cut leaves. It is constructed from premium polyester fabric and has been double stitched for durability. The breathability of this outfit is high and it offers fleece-like comfort while maintaining a lightweight fit. It is also quite versatile and can be used under various external conditions.

There are three sizes available with this outfit which starts at a large size and includes an extra large as well as 2xl. Large sizes begin at 28 inches for waist measurement with a 32-inch inseam.

There is a thick coat of double stitched leaves on this garment that gives a full look to your camouflage. It is designed to withstand various environmental conditions making it ideal for persons who spend a lot of time in the field.

Cost and Value
The North Mountain Gear product has a moderately high price range. It provides a full front zip jacket and knee-length zippers. It is also versatile enough to provide adequate coverage to any body-type.

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9. Pellor Kids

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Pellor Kids
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The Pellor Kids suit is constructed from synthetic polyester and dries at a rapid rate. It is also lightweight and features and adjustable waist.

This option is made from synthetic polyester and dries at a rapid rate. It is versatile enough to be used for a number of various outdoor activities including hunting. This two piece outfit comes with a hooded jacket and pants that have an adjustable waist to produce a more custom fit.

Ease of Use
The material used to create this outfit is soft and breathable which makes it easy for users who may be out in the field for an extended period. Its lightweight fit also adds a layer of convenience.

This can be applied in a wide range of scenarios which include Halloween, hunting and even bird watching. It is specifically designed to be used by children of any age or gender.

Cost and Value
The Pellor Kids suit has a moderately low price range. Each gear set includes a hooded jacket and a pair of pants both of which are covered in leaves. Its color variations allow you to blend well into any woodland area.

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10. Boshen Woodland

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Boshen Woodland
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The Boshen Woodland is constructed from polyester and features an elastic waist which makes it easy to adjust the fit.

This ghillie suit consists of one jacket and a pair of pants that are made from polyester. The elastic waist on the trousers are ideal for creating a custom fit and makes removal of the outfit fairly easy. It can be hand washed and dries fairly quickly with a lightweight fit that allows it to be used for various activities.

The main material used for the construction of this two-piece ensemble is polyester and it is a reliably strong and durable material. There is also elastic in the waist of the trousers which make it easy for users to make adjustments to the fit.

This two-piece camouflage is designed with a high level of adjustability. It has a leafy woodland design that dries at a rapid rate which makes it excellent or users who are exposed to elements such as rain and snow.

Cost and Value
The Boshen Woodland has a moderately low price range. The entire outfit weighs just one pound making it lightweight and easy to use. It also comes with a money-back guarantee.

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  1. What is Polyester, What is Polyester?,
  2. Wikipedia, Ghillie suit,
  3. Red Rock Outdoor Gear, The Story Behind Red Rock Outdoor Gear,