Best Countertop Dishwashers Reviewed & Rated for Quality

In a Hurry? Editors choice:
hOmeLabs Compact
Test Winner: hOmeLabs Compact
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So, you got that new apartment- but there’s something of a problem. There’s no machine for washing the dishes. Yes, as a testament to the lacking quality of your luck, your dream apartment does not have a machine for washing the dishes. A countertop machine is a perfect alternative for the homeowner on a budget when the normal variety is no longer an option. For the most part, you don’t need to worry about which one you pick, for the most part, every single countertop machine is the same. However, like with all things, some do them better than others.

Standout Picks

hOmeLabs Compact
Coming in at first place to kick off our list, we have the hOmeLabs Compact Countertop machine. And before you ask, no, that wasn’t a typo. Grammar aside, this is still about as good as these machines get. Allow us to elaborate.
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Ivation Portable
In 2nd place comes the Ivation Portable machine. This is one machine with a ton of surprising features. For one, if you don’t have a lot of space on your countertop, then you can easily assemble and disassemble it as you need to. Of course, that isn’t the only reason to buy this machine.
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SPT Countertop Dishwasher
In our 3rd place, finishing up our top 3 segments, we have the first of many SPT Countertop washing machine. This is what you look for when you want a bit of #1 and #2, saving both on space as well as money. So why else should you buy this? Well, for starters.
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Get ready to see a lot of serial numbers, because while SPT is very good at making washing machines, they are not good at naming things. With that, we have the SPT SD-9241SS Energy Star Portable machine. So, what’s so special about this done? Let’s check it out and see.
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Magic Chef 6
If the introduction to this little article perfectly describes your current living arrangements, then you need a compact, countertop dishwasher that won’t take up space but will get the job done. For this job, you need the Magic Chef.
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Danby DDW621WDB
In the #6 spot goes the Danby DDW621WDB Countertop washing machine. And no, we’re not going to comment on the serial number names anymore, we’d be here all day if we did. Anyway, this is a very high-quality washing machine, as Danby has been in this business for a while, so this is to be expected.
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SPT SD-2202W
Coming in at #7, we have our friends at SPT with the SD-2202W Countertop washing machine with Delay Start. For brevity’s sake, we’ll call it the CDDS for this section. Once more, this is a very high-quality countertop washing machine that’s priced very reasonably for what it offers. What exactly does it offer? Let’s find out.
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Kicking off our final 3, we have our #8 pick, the last SPT item on this list, the SPT SD-2224DS Countertop machine with LED. Like the last one, this SPT washing machine has 7 different rinse cycles, including light, soak, speed, and rinse. So what else does it have going for it? Let’s take a look and find out.
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Edgestar Portable
In our second to the last place, we have the Edgestar Portable Countertop machine. This one is the prime example of a machine for the homeowner on a budget. What do we mean by this, and what does it do better than other ones? Let’s see.
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Black + Decker Energy Star
In our final entry for this list, we have the Black + Decker Energy Star Countertop machine. Unlike other entries on this list, this one actually needs to be installed and will be a permanent place among your countertop. If that appeals to you, to not have to connect and disconnect this machine over and over like with the others, then this is the one for you.
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Criteria Used for Evaluation


A machine uses two things, electricity and water. And you put detergent in it in order to make it clean better. All three of these things are quantifiable resources that can run out if you aren’t careful. And when they run out, they need to be refilled, which costs money. And quite a lot of it, in the case of energy and water. You’re already ratcheting up those bills with your shower and sink water, a machine is just another ratchet. So, you want to make sure that any addition you’re making to your water and energy bill is an as small addition as you can make it. Of course, you want to make sure you get the most effective machine you can, but it’s about more than that. You also need to make sure that this machine won’t make you lose your home by driving up the costs to a point you can’t adapt to.


Just because you’re getting a smaller machine doesn’t mean you have to settle for an itty-bitty cleaning space. The space inside your machine should still be enough to hold your plates and your cups. If you’re living on your own, you likely won’t have that many, to begin with, so finding one that provides the adequate amount of space shouldn’t be too hard. Especially since countertop ones have come a long way, to the point where having 6 place settings is now considered the norm. Sometimes you’ll find one that provides more space, managing to even provide multiple shelves. However, these will often cost more and will definitely not fit on your countertop. In those cases, the dishwasher in question will usually be a roll-around that you’ll have to keep in a closet rather than a kitchen cabinet. Speaking of which.


One of the biggest benefits of a countertop machine is that they don’t take up a whole bunch of space. You can put it down on your countertop and clean some dishes for an hour or two, then put it right back in the kitchen cabinet you were keeping it in beforehand. Thus, any countertop machine whose dimensions got in the way of that was immediately shelved in favor of more compact candidates. You want to find a machine that won’t take up all that much space and will be easily put away when you’re done with it.


The best way to avoid the mentions of leaks and water storage loss that we went over in the cons section of many an entry on this list is to buy a machine that’s able to sustain itself. Now, this is not a problem most of the time. At best, these machines are made from pure stainless steel that can take anything the elements can throw at it. At worst, they’re still made from high-grade plastics that are specially made to withstand high water pressure and temperatures, like those found inside a machine.


As you’ve no doubt seen throughout this list, we have something of a preference for machines that don’t take very long to install and can be uninstalled just as quickly. These are the machines with quick install faucet adapters, that easily fit onto the faucet of your sink instead of needing to be wired in like a normal one. Now you just need to turn on the faucet and keep it running to have a constant stream of water washing your dishes for you. However, some people prefer the normal installation. After all, these things can be heavy for their small size, so people may not be the biggest fans of having to keep pulling it out, carrying it over to your countertop, hooking it up, then putting it back when you’re done. That can get tedious. However, if you don’t know how to install a machine yourself, you’ll have to have someone come to do it for you like you would a normal one, and that can get very expensive.

Ease of Use

There are a lot of different ways that a machine can make itself easier for you to understand how to operate it. One obvious way that a surprising number of machines, including those on this list, don’t follow, is clearly labeling each button. Instead, these machines just use vague symbols and shapes to signify what they do, which not everyone is going to understand. Another way is to have a bright LED display for the screen so even people with poor eyesight can clearly make out what’s going on and what button to push.


This should come as no surprise, but machines, even the compact variety, can be very expensive. Every single one of these entries, even the cheapest ones, have their feet set squarely in the triple-digit price range. This is to be expected, these machines are complex, and very expensive to make, so they’re expensive to buy. But don’t worry, as we made sure that every single entry on this list had at least a one-year warranty. So, if ever one of them breaks down, you can have them replaced.


1. hOmeLabs Compact

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hOmeLabs Compact
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Coming in at first place to kick off our list, we have the hOmeLabs Compact Countertop machine. And before you ask, no, that wasn’t a typo. Grammar aside, this is still about as good as these machines get. Allow us to elaborate.


Loading a machine can be a complicated procedure, especially if you have rather cumbersome dishes to load. Luckily, this machine lightens the load by at least making sure that you don’t also have to deal with the controls giving you problems, as the controls for this machine are very user-friendly.

No tools needed

The idea of a countertop machine is probably making you groan, isn’t it? Because the drawback is that installation is now up to you, instead of someone you pay to do it instead. However, if it’s any consolation, you won’t need any tools to put this one in. This machine has a quick connect assembly that lets you get it connected in mere minutes.

Cost and Value

Like all countertop machines, you’ll find this one set firmly in the triple digits in terms of cost. However, by that metric, this one is actually very fairly priced.

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2. Ivation Portable

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Ivation Portable
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In 2nd place comes the Ivation Portable machine. This is one machine with a ton of surprising features. For one, if you don’t have a lot of space on your countertop, then you can easily assemble and disassemble it as you need to. Of course, that isn’t the only reason to buy this machine.


So how does it manage to be so easy to assemble and disassemble? Simple, it does this by using a special faucet adapter to hook up directly to your sink when it’s time to turn it on. Thus, making the machine not only convenient and easy to take off should you need the extra space, but also very effective, as it has a mainline to your pipes and you didn’t have to do a thing.

Discreet dimensions

While it was nice that the manufacturers made this dishwasher as convenient as possible, when you consider the dimensions of this thing, they almost shouldn’t have bothered. At 17 X 21.5 X 20 inches, this dishwasher will fit onto pretty much any countertop, leaving room to spare.

Cost and Value

This machine is a tad bit more expensive than the previous entry, but nothing too bad, and is definitely still a lot cheaper than buying and paying for the installation of a full-sized machine.

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3. SPT Countertop Dishwasher

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SPT Countertop Dishwasher
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In our 3rd place, finishing up our top 3 segments, we have the first of many SPT Countertop washing machine. This is what you look for when you want a bit of #1 and #2, saving both on space as well as money. So why else should you buy this? Well, for starters.

Stainless steel interior

One problem with these metal washing machines is that, eventually, the water is going to get to it. Water and metal don’t mix, so it’s practically inevitable that erosion sets in. Unless, of course, you build the entire interior out of pure stainless steel that’s completely rust proof. That’s certainly one way to propose an alternative to the plastic interior that’s been the norm for so long with full-sized models.

Silverware basket and drawer

While, like with pretty much all other countertop washing machines, you won’t be putting large pots and pans into it, you can put a surprising amount of dinner plates and utensils in there. This is all thanks to the cleverly implemented silverware basket and drawer that helps fit a large number of dishes into it.

Cost and Value

Like with the #1 entry, this washing machine is very fairly priced. In fact, generally speaking, this one might be cheaper, if only by a little bit. But with appliances this expensive, any amount cheaper is cheap enough to consider.

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4. SPT SD-9241SS

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Get ready to see a lot of serial numbers, because while SPT is very good at making washing machines, they are not good at naming things. With that, we have the SPT SD-9241SS Energy Star Portable machine. So, what’s so special about this done? Let’s check it out and see.

Larger capacity

The best thing about this one is, even though it won’t fit on anyone’s countertop, the other side of that tradeoff is that this machine can hold a lot bigger and a lot more dishes than the others on this list. You can actually stick decently large pots and pans in here, and it even has shelves.

Adjustable upper rack

If you look at pictures of this washing machine, you may think about your larger plates or cookie sheets and think that they’d never fit. Well, fear not, because the upper rack of this one, in stark contrast to any larger model out there, you can actually adjust the upper rack to accommodate for larger dishes.

Cost and Value

The biggest problem with this machine is, of course, the price. Being closer in size to a traditional, in the counter machine, it stands to reason to have a price that reflects that. With that said, it isn’t that expensive, but it’s still expensive.

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5. Magic Chef 6

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Magic Chef 6
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If the introduction to this little article perfectly describes your current living arrangements, then you need a compact, countertop dishwasher that won’t take up space but will get the job done. For this job, you need the Magic Chef.

Highly durable

One of the chief fears among people foraying into a countertop washing machine for the first time is that their small size will cause them to break when you need them the most. Well, don’t worry, because that is definitely not a problem with this washing machine. Made from a mix of high-grade plastics and metals, this washing machine will last you years before it shows even the slightest sign of breaking.

6 place setting

You wouldn’t expect one of these tiny washing machines to be able to hold all that much, but in fact, this washing machine finds a clever solution. Using clever placement of smaller shelves and drawers, this washing machine can hold twice as many dishes and utensils as normal.

Cost and Value

The biggest problem with this is easily the price. If you want it brand spanking new from online retailers, then you’ll have to shell out significantly more than what you’d normally pay for one of these washing machines. Like, we’re talking 4 digits range, easy.

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6. Danby DDW621WDB

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Danby DDW621WDB
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In the #6 spot goes the Danby DDW621WDB Countertop washing machine. And no, we’re not going to comment on the serial number names anymore, we’d be here all day if we did. Anyway, this is a very high-quality washing machine, as Danby has been in this business for a while, so this is to be expected.

Highly durable

Once again, we have a highly durable, stainless steel countertop washing machine. Only this isn’t just durable, it’s one of the most durable on the entire market, bar none. Made from a mix of stainless steel and high-quality plastics, this washing machine is in it for the long haul.

Can fit in your kitchen cabinet

One of the other big concerns with countertop washing machines is that of convenient storage. Sure it’ compact in terms of height, but what about length and width? Fortunately, this is also one of the most compact items on its market. You can fit this thing in your kitchen cabinet if you feel the need to, and why wouldn’t you?

Cost and Value

The best part about this washing machine, for a change, is the price, which is significantly more reasonable than previous entries, especially the #5 entry. You’ll often find this one on the retail market for at least $100 less than other entries on this list.

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7. SPT SD-2202W

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SPT SD-2202W
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Coming in at #7, we have our friends at SPT with the SD-2202W Countertop washing machine with Delay Start. For brevity’s sake, we’ll call it the CDDS for this section. Once more, this is a very high-quality countertop washing machine that’s priced very reasonably for what it offers. What exactly does it offer? Let’s find out.

Max temperature of 148 degrees

Unlike a lot of other countertop washing machines, who only go up to a little over 100 degrees, this one goes all the way up to 148 degrees Fahrenheit. Why is that important? Well, that degrees is the optimal temperature for eliminating germs and bacteria that would survive other washings. So, if you’re very particular about getting rid of germs on your dishes, this is the dishwasher for you.

Delay start

A feature so nice, they put it in the title, this washing machine comes with a delay start feature that can stretch out up to 8 hours. This way, if you’re, say, expecting a lot of dishes needing to be done in the near future, all you need to do once the eating is said and done is to put them in the washing machine and forget about it because the washing has already started.

Cost and Value

Like other SPT countertop washing machines, this one is very reasonably priced for what it is. Not too cheap, but it definitely could’ve been higher in terms of price.

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8. SPT SD-2224DS

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Kicking off our final 3, we have our #8 pick, the last SPT item on this list, the SPT SD-2224DS Countertop machine with LED. Like the last one, this SPT washing machine has 7 different rinse cycles, including light, soak, speed, and rinse. So what else does it have going for it? Let’s take a look and find out.

LED controls and display

Unlike the previous entry, this one has a full LED display and controls that help you to keep track of what stage of cleaning the machine is currently on. It displays for you either the current running time or what cycle it’s currently on, both of which are highly convenient when you need to know right now how long before your dishes are ready.

Water supply warning

Not everyone knows the technicals of a washing machine. Even small ones like this are very complex machines, with a lot of different things that can go wrong at once. Water supply is one of them, as you definitely want to make sure you have a kept-up water supply. Fortunately, when it starts getting low, the machine will helpfully indicate such on its LED screen for your convenience. Now you don’t have to wait until the thing actually breaks in order to know that the water supply was running low.

Cost and Value

This machine is a bit more expensive than the average price for one of these, but that’s to be expected, considering the extra features such as the LED display likely add a bit more to the price tag than normal.

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9. Edgestar Portable

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Edgestar Portable
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In our second to the last place, we have the Edgestar Portable Countertop machine. This one is the prime example of a machine for the homeowner on a budget. What do we mean by this, and what does it do better than other ones? Let’s see.

Uses less electricity and water

If your water bill is through the roof enough as it is, then you likely aren’t too keen on a machine adding more. But thankfully, that is not an issue with the Edgestar. This machine doesn’t need even half of the usual amount of electricity and water that other machines on this list need.

Quick connect adapter

A quick connect adapter is something that you should just look for in general in a countertop machine. Every single entry on this list has it, so there’s no reason you should have to settle for a countertop machine that needs to be hooked up over and hours-long period just to get it working properly.

Cost and Value

While this machine will save you a lot of money in the long run, you will have to pay a bit more than normal in order to get it. On average, this one is found to cost a bit higher than what’s considered the average.

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10. Black + Decker Energy Star

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Black + Decker Energy Star
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In our final entry for this list, we have the Black + Decker Energy Star Countertop machine. Unlike other entries on this list, this one actually needs to be installed and will be a permanent place among your countertop. If that appeals to you, to not have to connect and disconnect this machine over and over like with the others, then this is the one for you.

Child lock

The problem with having machines this portable is that you can put them anywhere, including within reach of children. Fortunately, the Black + Decker avoids potential disaster by making sure to have a child lock feature put on the door to the device, which you can activate once the cleaning begins.

Unique cycles

Obviously, this type uses the rinse cycles we all expect to have on our machine; light, heavy, normal, etc. But this one actually has rinse cycles unique to it, not found on other entries on this list. These include Eco, Glass, 90 minutes, and intensive.

Cost and Value

The best part about this machine is the price. You would expect a machine with so many different features to actually cost above average price, but this one is, if anything, below the average price. Not by much, generally speaking, but when you’re dealing with a price in the triple digits, you take what you can get.

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